'Carbon-aholics Anonymous' Going Global
On World Environment Day, UN officials call for end to carbon addiction: un.org
"5 June 2008 – Top United Nations officials have marked World Environment Day by urging individuals, companies and governments alike to kick their addiction to carbon dioxide, a main contributor to global warming."
"“Our world is in a grip of a dangerous carbon habit,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his message for the Day, which is observed annually on 5 June."
“Addiction is a terrible thing. It consumes and controls us, makes us deny important truths and blinds us to the consequences of our actions,” he added.
"Earlier today, Mr. Ban joined New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for the launch of the ‘Together’ campaign, an initiative of the Climate Group – an international charity dedicated to working with big business and government to help solve climate change."
"“If we are to move the global economy to a greener and cleaner one, a sharp reduction in the inefficient use of fossil fuels allied to an increased up take of renewable energy must be at the centre of the international response,” said UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner."
"Speaking at the event, the Secretary-General said that climate change is too big a challenge for any country, corporation, or community to address alone."
re: "too big a challenge for any country, corporation, or community to address alone"
According to UN Secretary General Ban-ki Moon, the world is "addicted to", and "in the grip of a dangerous carbon habit". He goes on to say, "Addiction is a terrible thing. It consumes and controls us, makes us deny important truths and blinds us to the consequences of our actions." So with that comes the announcement that 'Carbon-aholics Anonymous' is going global, and apparently, everyone will be required to participate.
The world management plan aka Agenda 21 likens the desired modern global society to a "three-legged stool". A three legged stool cannot stand, of course, without all three legs working together. This sales pitch is being used to merge these "three legs of the stool", governments, businesses (private), and charities i.e. non-profits aka 'non-governmental agencies' (NGO's) including the 'faith' sector (churches, mosques, synagogues) into a top-down interwoven global governing system.
"Climate change", formerly known as "global warming" (that name was too restrictive), is the 'leverage tool' being used to facilitate the building of the system. You will not be left out if you fall into one of the above three categories, you must be systematized (666matized) for the global good. Attendance at the 'C-A meetings' will soon be mandatory. Watch and see.
They are coming after you..and they want to get their hands in all your business...literally.
p.s. Did you catch the part about the "severe reduction"? Is your bicycle in good working order?
see also Ban-ki Moon on "World Water Day": UN wiring system
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