updated 8-2-12 Pavone: The Mandate is In Effect: Stand with Us
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life: Dear Friends, The unjust and unconstitutional HHS mandate, against which Priests for Life and 57 other plaintiffs have sued the federal government, takes effect today. We at Priests for Life do not qualify for the year that the government has offered certain groups to "adapt" to the mandate. And we are not "religious" enough for this Administration...But regardless of all that, we do not adapt to injustice; we oppose it...Therefore today, on behalf of our organization and on behalf of myself personally, I announce our conscientious objection to this mandate...Priests for Life has the highest respect for civil government and advocates the observance of all just laws. But this policy is unjust, and today I reaffirm our intention to disobey it...I issued the following memo this morning at 12:01am to all our employees, consultants and prospective employees: [read statement at link]
Aug. 1: Death Knell for Religious Freedom Because of Obamacare Mandate, Charge Conservatives
“August 1st is a day that will live in infamy for the First Amendment and the fundamental freedoms and rights we as a people have enjoyed since the founding of our nation,” said L. Brent Bozell III, who is president of CNSNews.com’s parent organization, the Media Research Center, and is chairman of ForAmerica...“The HHS mandate imposed on the American people is the beginning of the end of freedom as America has known it and loved it,” he said. “August 1st marks the day when many family-owned-and-operated businesses lose their rights to exercise their faith in their daily lives.”...“The government has told them — either comply with this mandate in violation of your faith and do what we tell you, or you will pay crippling faith fines to the federal government,” Bozell said. “With the stroke of a pen, the Obama administration has shredded the First Amendment and the Constitution right before our eyes.”
Congressman: 'We're Still Home of the Brave, But We're Not the Land of the Free Anymore'
(CNSNews.com) - A group of freshmen congressmen on Wednesday said that a regulation issued under Obamacare by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has taken freedom of religion away from Americans. The regulation that requires health plans to offer sterilizations, contraceptives, and abortifacients free of charge became effective today, Aug. 1. It has been unanimously denounced by the Catholic bishops of the United States as “unjust and illegal mandate” that forces Catholic individuals, business owners and institutions to act against the teachings of their faith. "We’re still home of the brave, but we’re not the land of the free anymore," said Rep. Billy Long (R.-Mo.) ...The HHS mandate was finalized in February and is part of the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”). Under Obamacare, businesses with more than 50 full-time employees must provide their employees with health-care coverage or face a fine of about $2,000 per worker per year. If a business chooses to not comply with the HHS mandate by continuing to provide their workers with insurance that does not cover the specified preventive services, they would be subject, under the health care law, to a penalty of about $100 per day per worker...
It is a historic day of infamy. The so-called HHS mandate is the law of the 'Homeland' as of today 8-1-12. The various religious groups have sworn civil disobedience, and the harsh reality is that the time for posturing is now over. Without question the 'NWO religious protest agenda' will now be heading into "the streets of America", as stated clearly by the head of "Priests for Life" Fr. Frank Pavone back in Feburary of this year [see 'follow up' above] and then reaffirming that refusal to comply in a press release sent out today [see first link above]. Very important to understand that this is no passing thing - there is an absolutely massive agenda here and it is designed to usher in permanent changes - of the 'global spirituality' type. All the religions have already been drawn in and prepared to play a part in bringing to pass this next phase - religious ordo ab chao in the USA:
One World Religion: Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish, Baptist Leaders Vow Civil Disobedience In Congress 2-16-12 ""Religious groups joining hands to fight the common enemy creates NWO uni-faith organizations. By design. "Civil disobedience" disrupts the status quo, which enables a new staus quo to be created. By design."
Be absolutely aware. Most likely sooner than later this is going to get very real - especially when people start getting arrested and going to jail. That's already started actually - see 'follow up' above. Rev. 18:4
The plan has been under development for some time (years); see all: 'religious protest agenda'; 'Manhattan Declaration'
Note to true Christians - John 18:36 'Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight'
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