A highly recommended study, as the author, A.C. Gaebelein, lays out the correct interpretation - i.e. 'rightly dividing the word of truth' (2 Tim 2:15) - of this very important and most always wrongly interpreted NT passage of prophetic scripture.
The Olivet discourse and Christians
A study on the three parables of the Olivet discourse (Matt. 24:45 - 25:30) excerpted from "Exposition of the Gospel of Matthew"; 1910,
Chapters xxiv:45—xxv :30. THE CHRISTIAN ERA.
1. The faithful and evil servant
2. The ten virgins and the midnight cry
3. The parable of the talents
"Not in the Gospels do we find full revelation about the church, her relationships, her calling, her heavenly hope and glorious destiny. All this is made known elsewhere in the New Testament. The parables concern the Christian profession in a general way. If we hold this fast in our minds we shall find no difficulties at all. This Christian age is a mixed age and will be so to the end and the Coming One will find the faithful and prudent servant and the evil servant; the wise virgins and the foolish; the faithful servants using their talents and the wicked and slothful servant. The Coming One will mete out the judgment. The faithful servant is called "Blessed," the evil servant is cut in two and cast out. The wise virgins go in with the bridegroom and the foolish face a shut door. The servants who used the talents are set over many things and the slothful servant is cast out into the outer darkness. That the Lord will first descend into the air (i Thess. iv:15-18) and that the true believers, resurrected saints and living saints will be caught up in clouds to meet the Lord in the air to appear then before the judgment seat of Christ; that the unsaved, nominal Christians will go into apostasy and after the great tribulation receive judgment when the Lord comes out of heaven and all His saints with Him —all this is not revealed in these parables."
read full: pt.1
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