More than six months after a leaking steam generator tube prompted a complete shutdown of the San Onofre nuclear power plant, Southern California Edison officials announced plans to lay off nearly one-third of its workforce, leading many to wonder if the troubled plant would ever fully reopen.
The company announced Monday a planned reduction of about 730 employees that will bring down staffing at the plant in northern San Diego County to 1,500. Details of the cuts will be worked out later this year, officials said.
Rochelle Becker, executive director of the watchdog group Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility, said she believes the layoffs show Edison is being disingenuous about its plans for the plant. "You can't lay off 700 people when you're trying to restart a plant — you hire more people when you have problems," Becker said. "I think the utility is being unfair to the ratepayers. I think they're being unfair to the workforce. I think if they're not going to operate this plant, they should come out and say they're not going to operate the plant."
Company officials have said that they hope to submit a restart plan for Unit 2 to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission by the end of the year, but have backed off from making any projections about if or when Unit 3 might return to service.
re: 'many...wonder if the troubled plant would ever fully reopen'
The future of the nuclear power plant in San Onofre, California, and every other nuclear power plant on the globe for that matter, is very simple to foresee when it is understood that, according to the NWO Bureau of Propaganda, and to use their jargon, nuclear power is "unsustainable" for the future of planet earth. Without question, this is the position of the globalists. And the facts are that a global nuclear-phaseout is already well underway [see post below].
Although the 'unsustainability' of nuclear power is blamed on so-called environmental concerns, the cold NWO reality is otherwise. That reality was stated clearly in a recent article about the ongoing situation in Fukushima Japan, where a nuclear shutdown was painted as being a positive, calling it an "opportunity to go green". For those who understand what the NWO code term 'go green' truly signifies, that statement tells them everything they need to know about the exponential increase these days of reported problems globally with regard to "nuclear power":
NWO Nuclear Phase Out Advancing: Japan Shuts Down Last Working Reactor; Called "Opportunity" To Go Green 5-5-12 "Germany, Switzerland, and Japan [and Italy] have officially declared government efforts to phase out nuclear power...But exactly what has the reported "Fukushima nuclear meltdown" really done? Only fast forwarded in miraculous fashion the kabalist global agenda to deconstruct western industrialized society in order to replace it with totalitarian control of the planet through a restrictive 'green' regulatory framework by which governments, industry, and people are to be micromanaged worldwide...The global serfdom cannot be allowed access to abundant cheap electricity, e.g. nuclear, for this gives them far too much freedom and makes it hard to control them - so it has to be taken away. Enter the the 'great green scam'. Solar and wind and grow your own food and ride rail. That's the plan...666 plantation slaves...believe it or not." [There are a number of related posts post at this link - follow links, connect dots]
Phasing out nuclear power is phasing in "sustainable" totalitarianism. Green is not your buddy. Be informed. Rev. 18:4
'Even so, come Lord Jesus' Rev. 2:20
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