NEW YORK, August 20, 2012, ( – The “ filthy, degenerate, gutter Christians” at the Family Research Council inspired last week’s shooting by “going too far” with their pro-family activism, according to a nationally syndicated liberal talk show host.
“You filthy, filthy right-wing b——-ds, you’re going too far!” Mike Malloy told his audience last week. “One of these days somebody’s going to go berserk and walk into one of your filthy holes of religious insanity with a gun.” Switching to a mocking tone, Malloy said, “Oh. I think that happened today.”
Malloy went on to say the council would “happily sacrifice” a 10-year-old child who was raped by a relative “to save their G—d—-ed fetus.” “I cannot come up with harsh enough or strong enough language about these scum,” Malloy said before calling FRC President Tony Perkins a “filthy swine” and the FRC “a council of G—d—-ned Christian corpse-eaters.*”
The gunman, 28-year-old Floyd Lee Corkins II, reportedly said “I don’t like your politics” before opening fire last Wednesday at FRC’s Washington, D.C., headquarters. He injured the group’s main security guard, Leo Johnson. Corkin, who volunteered at The D.C. Center for the LGBT Community, carried Chick-fil-A paraphernalia along with his handgun.
The shooting followed a string of escalating anti-Christian hate crimes that included “angry queers” throwing rocks through the windows of Mars Hill Church in Oregon, vandals desecrating a Christian school before a pro-family awards ceremony, and WWE professional wrestler CM Punk telling supporters of marriage to commit suicide by drinking bleach.
(*Note: The "corpse eaters" remark presumably is directed at Catholics in reference to the Catholic doctrine known as transubstantiation ('transformed substance'). This doctrine teaches that during the communion service the wafer and the wine are miraculously transformed into the actual body and blood of Christ. While they do not change appearance, according to the Catholic belief the substance itself has in fact changed. fyi)
Believing Christian, do not be moved from your faith by the foolishness of the blinded and hardened men of this fallen world who have rejected the eternal Word of God [Jer. 6:19]. Compromising Laodiceans will and are bowing themselves to the antichrist-spirit [here] of this amoral brave new world being unveiled, but as this is not an option for you, prepare your hearts and minds for there is no place for you in it.
Your place though is in the Father's house where there are many mansions (John 14:2-3). maranatha
Genesis 19:24 'Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven'
1 comment :
/ Hi, Another Voice. Look at what I saw on the web. Anthony /
Hatred Behind the DC Shooting
If something is unnatural or anti-American or anti-Christian, the Southern Poverty Law Center is drawn to it like flies to something smelly. Which is why the SPLC hates the Family Research Council which is pro-traditional family, pro-America, and pro-Christ.
After the shooting at FRC headquarters, which could have been a massacre, FRC president Tony Perkins stated that the SPLC has "been reckless in labeling organizations hate groups because they disagree with them on public policy."
The SPLC calls the FRC a "hate" group because it follows Christ who said to His followers "Love your enemies" (Matt. 5:44).
By way of contrast, heavily Jewish SPLC follows the ages-old Talmud which HATES science, females, children (homosexual sex with children is okay!), all Gentiles, Jesus (who was born a "bastard" - Jewish Encyclopedia), and all Christians! For sources Google or Yahoo "The Earliest Hate Criminals," "The Talmud and double standards" (July 3, 2012), and "Talmud" (Wikipedia).
Be sure to Google "Zionist Watch" (5/26/2007) which called SPLC founder Morris Dees "a Jewish radical leftist pervert...sexual deviant...flagrant adulterer...[and] alleged child molester," also Google "The Anti-Chick-fil-A Jihad" and "Mikey Weinstein, Jesus-Basher."
As you can tell, the SPLC (which is chummy with fellow schmucks including the ADL and ACLU) is a "love" group!
BTW, the one five-letter name starting with "J" that SPLC etc. hate (no, not James or Julia) warned in Matt. 24:9 that in the end times "ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake." (I wonder how soon the SPLC will work for the banning of the Bible, the one book that America's greatest leaders highly exalted - Google "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right.")
While the SPLC and think-alikes are busy back-stabbing evangelicals (viewed as Israel's best friends), the same schmucks are creating a huge backlash that will bring about the predicted end-time slaughter of two-thirds of Jewry and Jerusalem's devastation (Zech. 13 & 14). By doing all it can to help fulfill the Bible's predictions, the pervs at the you-know-what are actually making the Bible even more believable!
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