(AFP). The presidents of the Central American countries and the Dominican Republic agreed on Friday to create a single currency and agreed a "plan of urgent measures" to tackle the financial crisis, which is contemplating to create a credit pool and stimulate intra-regional trade.
re: "Central America, a united region"
Honduras, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Dominican Republic will form a new "united region", complete with an intra-regional passport and creation of a new "Central American currency". No dates are given as yet, only an agreement on a "plan of urgent action". In other words..it is going to be a whirlwind.
In addition, the new Central American 'Union' will incorporate "homogeneous legislation" in all areas to assure it's success as the newest member of the one world government's 'regional system' of global management. Including the now being transitioned by stealth North American Union, the Central American will become the eighth global region on the map, and assuming it will begin soon, it will be then the sixth region to form within approximately a year. The significance of these rapid developments cannot be overstated. The sovereignty of the nations of the world is ceasing to exist.
Caribbean Economic Union 2009
African 'Regional Union' Forming 11-4-08
Mediterranean Union To 'Set up Shop' 11-3-08
South American Union 10-17-08'
'Asian Union' in December '08
North American Union under 'stealth' development
European Union long standing of course
Bible prophecy predicts the dividing of the governments of the world into regions or 'unions', and that this development would be the scenario that sets the stage for the consequent rise of the one who will rule over all of them...aka the Antichrist. This is that! see: "ten kings...shall arise" Dan. 7:24
Mark 13:28-29 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.
Thanks for the heads up once again !!
Here in the Rep of Panama:
The current economic melt down certainly has been catalyst to survival mode talks among common nations. This meeting here is follow-up to one held earlier this year spear-headed by the poorer of the Central American states. Although there is a seemingly common agreement that there needs to be some unified action to counter the melt down, there has been no concrete agreement other than a few trade agreements across their borders. Here in Panama this common currency issue is silent. Nothing in the press.
We'll see as time goes on. Panama with it's canal and as well a huge banking industry and a fairly healthy economy (for now) will most probably tend to be pretty selective as to who it jumps on board with.
Nothing will surprise me bottom line. Making history at a fast clip these days!
Looks pretty concrete this time Alison...at least so far as a signed agreement. It will take some doing though.
The reality is that this is simply Agenda 21 being put in place. At the international level the nations will be grouped for management purposes, while at the local level individual community-based managements are to be instituted.
The same system anywhere on the globe.
we are seeing it...
Right Tom
The move is definately on at a fast clip.
Watching and waiting
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