PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — On October 18, 2012 at 10:18 a.m. EDT, more than one million people across five states and the District of Columbia are scheduled to take part in the first ever Great SouthEast ShakeOut. The ShakeOut is a regional earthquake drill in which participants simultaneously practice the recommended action during an earthquake. This action is known as “Drop, Cover, and Hold On”
The states of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia are encouraging their schools, businesses, organizations, government agencies, communities, and households to participate in this historic event. These states are being supported by the Central U.S. Earthquake Consortium (CUSEC), the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and many other local, state, federal and volunteer partners. CUSEC coordinates a similar drill across nine Central U.S. states, which had more than 2.4 million participants in February, 2012.*
This regional earthquake drill comes on the heels of the one year anniversary of the August 23, 2011 M5.9 Mineral, Virginia earthquake. Last year’s earthquake caused significant damage in Louisa County, Virginia, and also millions of dollars in damages in Washington, D.C.
FEMA Region III Acting Regional Administrator Robert Welch is encouraging individuals and organizations to register and join the Great ShakeOut “We were reminded last year that earthquakes can and do happen anywhere.
Collectively, there are more than 10.5 million people worldwide who are expected to participate in the ShakeOut drills October 18, which makes this the largest safety drill ever held.
Funny thing about "Great ShakeOut" earthquake drills is that they have a history of coinciding with 'earthquakes' occurring the very the same day, and/or "widespread destruction":
*Nine State 'Great Central Shakeout' 2-7-12; Will It Be Like The Others? 2-6-12 "As noted above, last years event coincided with "widespread destruction" in this country and the massive Japan 'quake', and two years running in California 'quakes' have occurred on the very day of the drill"
The first of those two coincidental California 'ShakeOut quakes', a 'massive' one at that, was actually just moments before the drill was scheduled to begin [here]. The second was just hours after [link below]. Interesting thing about that first 'ShakeOut' drill was that it was held at exactly 10:21 AM on 10-21 [2010]. This year's "first ever" Southeast regional drill will be held at exactly 10:18 AM on 10-18.
Note: Several states and foreign countries will be holding individual ShakeOut drills, many of which will be on the same day at 10:18 local times [2012 ShakeOut], but the Southeast is the only multi-state regional drill - FEMA Region III they call it - and it is specifically set for the exact day and time. As noted above, it comes "on the heels of the first year anniversary" of the anomaly-ridden Virginia 'quake' of August 2011, where earthquakes were not supposed to happen [see links below]. But as FEMA now informs, in noting the rarity of the Virginia quake, that is no longer the case. Quoting from above: "earthquakes can and do happen anywhere", say they. In the new-paradigm world of today this has proven to be the case. But are they natural?*
Do the funny numbers mean anything? Have to watch and see on the 18th.
see: Engineered? 2nd Year In A Row Earthquake Hits CA Same Day As "Great Shakeout Drill" 10-20-11
*Natural? see: Virginia Quake Explanation Believable? And 3-28-11 Newsweek Apocalypse Cover 8-26-11
and: Virginia Quake - As Above So below? 8-23-11
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Haggai 2:6-7 'For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land'
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