Tens of millions of internet users in the Philippines woke up Wednesday to a new reality: Sharing a link, clicking ‘Like’ on Facebook, or retweeting a message could land you 12 years in jail.
The Cybercrime Prevention Act, which just came into effect, is so broad and loophole-ridden that a wide range of online activity could be considered libelous. Even if you don’t write the material, just sharing it with someone online could land you in prison.
In the face of this unjust law, Filipinos have been protesting in the streets and online to stand up for their rights. An alliance of organizations, bloggers, media, and everyday citizens have come together and brought international attention to their cause, and have reached a tipping point.²
"The Philippines has approved measures to prosecute users that post “defamatory” comments on social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook. They will be liable for a fine of 1 million pesos (US$24,000) or face up to 12 years in prison...Websites that publish the material may also be shut down.
Aside from prosecuting users who post material deemed offensive, the bill grants authorities the power to collate and retain information from people’s Facebook and Twitter profiles, as well as eavesdropping on conversations over Skype. “Anybody using popular social networks or who publishes online is now at risk of a long prison term should a reader – including government officials – bring a libel charge,” Adams said.
Alarmingly, an accused citizen can’t even use intent or good faith as a defense against this horrible law — meaning that the government has unrestricted and unchecked power to throw whomever they like in jail. Not to mention, the law allows real-time data to be tracked, violating the privacy of internet users.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday is slated to take up the constitutionality of the law, and silent, non-violent protests will be held on Oct. 9 — called Black Tuesday." With broad and unjust cybercrime laws being enacted around the world, we need to fight them one by one. That’s why it’s critical that the international community stands up on Black Tuesday. Start by clicking the link: https://www.accessnow.org/stop-cyber-martial-law
This defiant and democratic spirit has been seen before. Over 25 years ago, Filipinos fought and won to overcome martial law and institute a democratic government. But what makes this law’s passage curious is that President Aquino is the son of Corazon Aquino, former president and leader of the opposition party that restored democracy in the Philippines in 1986. So many Filipinos are left wondering why the son of the leader who fought for their rights is allowing free speech to be taken away.
compare: Free Speech Takes Huge Hit In The EU: Brussels Outlaws "Insults" 8-3-12 "...as this same regional 'Superstate' model of dictatorial global government is planned for all the nations of the world, it is obvious that speech not in line with official 'Big Brother" policy will before too long also be "punishable" anywhere on the globe."
John 9:4 '...the night cometh, when no man can work'
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