That would be nice wouldn’t it, simply removing the inconvenient news by not reporting it. Believe it or not, that is one of the planks of an authoritarian new media law recently introduced by a European Union country, a country that takes up the EU’s Presidency as of today.
And it gets worse.
A “media council has been created, with its chairperson being appointed for a nine-year term by the Prime-Minister, currently Fidesz (a conservative-nationalist party) leader Viktor Orban. The council consists solely of members belonging to or favourable to that ruling party and will have the power to fine television and radio stations as much as 200 million forints (about 700,000 euros) for coverage deemed in their opinion as “politically” “out of balance”. Maximum fines for national newspapers and websites were set at 25 million forints and for weeklies at 10 million.
The media council also has the right to access documents before publication. Journalists will have to disclose their sources on matters of “national security”, that is “national security” as defined by the party apparatchiks on the media council.
Another paragraph of the law reads: “any statement in the media which is qualified as an overt or covert insult of persons, nations, communities, national, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities or any majority, in addition to any church or religious groups is punishable.”
re: ' counsel'
The EU six-month rotating-presidency is relatively meaningless since it is really subject to the permanent "European Council Presidency" created one year ago by the Lisbon Treaty [here and here].
That office is designed to supersede the governing rights of the 27 individual countries of the EU and bring them all under a single authority. That is a work in progress. Just last week this single authority was demonstrated to the international community with the announcement of the "EU-Wide Ban On Herbal Supplements".
Nevertheless it is telling that Hungary which assumes the six-month titular presidency beginning today is the country chosen to pass this incredible legislation creating a brand new entity called a "media counsel" with an 'appointed' head. The details are astounding, insuring an absolute lockdown on every form of published political or social dissent against essentially the NWO agenda with the punishment of outrageous fines to be levied on offenders.
It is no stretch to see that this precedent being set by the Hungarian 'presidency' is just a stepping-stone toward the NWO agenda of extending the new regulations "EU-wide"...and then worldwide. The wikileak psy-op is already clearing the path for the agenda in the U.S. [here], not to mention the new FCC internet regulation law passed two weeks ago by the lame-ducks which opened the door so they could get their hands on it [here].
They are planning to turn off the lights so all the world will be in darkness with them. Be educated now. Better yet be ye saved now. Rev. 18:4
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. [cf. John 3:20-21]
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