Very bizarre circumstances surrounding the 'chaos' in Tucson. The outcomes are pending but the general direction it will go is becoming evident already i.e. free speech, increased security, so-called 'anti-government dissidents', constitutionalists, etc. Expect the msm rhetoric [read: paradigm-shifting, psychologically manipulating, covering absolutely every possible angle, and coming from every possible outlet to achieve the objective] to ramp up like never before seen (except for 9-11 perhaps) as a result of this 1-8-11 tragedy, and to be ongoing. fyi
Sheriff blames free speech as likely cause of Arizona massacre
"And I think it's time as a country that we need to do a little soul searching. Because it's the vitriolic rhetoric that we hear day in and day out from people in the radio business and some people in the tv business, and what we see on tv and how our youngsters are being raised. That this has not become the nice United States of America that most of us grew up in. And I think it's time that we do the soul searching."
"This deadly, one could say terrorist, attack is what can happen when people of influence do not watch what they say. When the health care debate started causing massive uproars and protests some politicians began using that anger in their rhetoric, which some argued bordered on inciting violence. Former Alaskan Gov. Sarah Palin once tweeted in regard to health care “Don’t Retreat, RELOAD.” Then she released a map of House Democrats who were “targeted” with target markers on locations where the Democrats’ names and where they lived – Giffords was one of the 20 on that map."
This photo of the above mentioned 'map' and the corresponding quotes are from: gawker.com
"Giffords' Tea Party opponent in the 2010 election, Jesse Kelly, went even further with the violent rhetoric. Kelly's campaign held an event called "Get on Target for Victory in November." Description: "Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office. Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly.""
see also: Jewish congresswoman shot in Arizona "She is the first Jewish woman from Arizona to be elected to Congress and is also known as a pro-choice supporter but also as a supporter of gun rights.
>Although it is of course still very early, numerous reports are calling Giffords condition 'miraculous': Neurosurgeon: Giffords Faces Long Road, But Brain 'Miraculous' "The Associated Press reported that the bullet stayed on one side of her brain, not hitting the so-called "eloquent areas" in the brain's center, where such wounds almost always prove fatal..."Even if there's a part of the brain that's injured -- I'm not saying there's not going to be long-term deficits -- but the brain has a miraculous way of working its way around problems," he said."
Out of respect to the families and the vicitms of this horrific act, very little can be said. But the fact is that what happened here is going to be used to fast-forward much of the globalist agenda for this country. It does not take a 'genius' to see that. It is very obvious. Already there is much msm banter, on both sides, giving that word 'revolution' a lot of air time. [compare: Michelle Bachmann 'Insurrection' 12-4-10]
'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world...' Eph. 6:12