Follow up on: Tucson Update: Headlines Telling Strange Story 1-12-11: "'Shooting stirs debate on how to handle the mentally ill' - [How long before that debate gets onto the subject of "rounding them up 'before' something happens"? i.e. 'mentally ill' or 'extremists']"
Rudy Giuliani Calls For Involuntary Mental Evaluations
NWO spokesman Keith Olbermann: "Are signs, and signs alone, enough to forcibly remove American citizens from society against their will?
"Forcibly removing American citizens from society? Or more specifically should that be..."Forcibly removing NWO-dissenters from society?"
Along with the brand new free speech 'line', here is another aspect of the 'Tucson paradigm shift'. Overnight a subject that previously would have been basically unthinkable has suddenly become a major topic in the mainstream. Made 'thinkable' because of Tucson....and the NWO Bureau of Propaganda of course. The new paradigm of 'forced removal' about to start.
Tucson. Cui bono?---------------------------------------------------------------
Jer 51:53 'Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the LORD'
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