This post is a follow up on: MN To Allow 'Transgender' High School Sports - 33rd State To Sell Out American Youth To ZWO 'Genderless Agenda' 12-8-14 "The real reason is actually very simple. Nothing to do at all with any real concerns for the claimed plight of that very percentage-wise minuscule group of 'gender-identity challenged' individuals, but has everything to do with, as stated in the quote from the 'Common Core' post linked [at post], the "genderless agenda". Ultimately the goal is to remove any and all identity from the youth, other than to the 'State'. This definitely includes "gender identity". And the plan is not of course limited to just the USA, it is absolutely global in scope. Removing this next generation's "gender identity" so as to create an androgynous mass of servile worker-drones to enslave in their envisioned 666 global kingdom-come...This is the true "cause", and is the only real 'why' for the global 'transgender program'. Genderless-ness, to coin the phrase, is in fact, to them - the anti-christ kingdom-comers that is, even more than critical. It is "mission critical". An integral part of the planned-future population management plan. There is no option to not making it happen. [see post]
Call it 'gender fluidity': Schools to teach kids there's no such thing as boys or girls
[Excerpted] One of the nation’s largest public school systems is preparing to include gender identity to its classroom curriculum, including lessons on sexual fluidity and spectrum – the idea that there’s no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls.
Fairfax County Public Schools released a report recommending changes to their family life curriculum for grades 7 through 12.
They’re telling us you can be both genders, you can be no gender, you can be a gender that you make up for yourself. And we’re supposed to affirm all of it.”
The plan calls for teaching seventh graders about transgenderism and tenth graders about the concept that sexuality is a broader spectrum.
Eighth graders will be taught that individual identity “occurs over a lifetime and includes the component of sexual orientation and gender identity.”
“Individual identity will also be described as having four parts – biological gender, gender identity (includes transgender), gender role, and sexual orientation (includes heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual).”
The district will also introduce young teenagers to the “concept that sexuality is a broader spectrum.” By tenth grade, they will be taught that one’s sexuality “develops throughout a lifetime.”
Last week, the school board voted to include gender identity in the district’s nondiscrimination policy – a decision that was strongly opposed by parents.
Lafferty, who led the opposition to the nondiscrimination policy, warned that the district is moving towards the deconstruction of gender...I [Lafferty] asked the school district to provide me with the textbooks and scientific data they will be using to instruct the children that there are dozens and dozens of possible genders. Here’s the reply I received:
“Lessons have not been developed for the proposed lesson objectives...Because of the need to develop lessons, the proposed objectives would not be implemented until fall 2016.”
And the Family Research Council’s Sprigg said there’s a pretty good reason why they can’t produce a textbook about fluidity: “It’s an ideological concept,” he told me. “It’s not a scientific one.
The board will introduce the changes on May 21. Lafferty said she hopes parents will turn out in force to voice their objections.
[note: Fairfax County School Board oversees Virginia’s largest school system and is the tenth largest in the country - link]
Dictionary.com definition of a minion: "a servile follower or subordinate of a person in power"
The war on gender is about one thing and one thing only. It is about 'minionization' of the next generation. Period. Nothing more. Think it is a coincidence that Zio-Hollywood has over the past few years introduced the cuddly little characters called minions in the "Despicable Me" movies, now being followed-up with a full length movie all their own called, what else, "Minions". The movie is to be released in two months, July 10, 2015 [link]. Right on schedule to supplement the minionization-programming already happening in the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts [link], schools, and all society in general. The basic plot of the movie reveals the whole ball-o-wax: The 'minions', who live only to happily serve an evil master, find themselves without an evil master to serve, so they set off on a quest to find a new evil master to serve. That's it. Minions seeking an evil master to serve - how blatant does the new-world-order brainwashing get? And, make no mistake, your children are the direct target.
Minions, to quote the follow-up post linked at top, are "an androgynous mass of servile worker-drones". Minions are mindless, genderless, with no individuality - all dress the same, all look the same, with the exception that instead of two eyes some have only a single 'illuminati eye-of-horus' - to be expected of course coming from "Illumination Entertainment". This clip is not the actual trailer for the July 10 movie though, but is an early advertisement, and does make very clear the 'illuminati-philosphy' behind Illumination Entertainment's "Minions":
"Because you're a minion..."
<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/Bruy6NdvACZc/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>
Think 'minions' are just cute innocuous little critters? Far from it - they are 'global citizen' programming for youth
Harmless little movie for the kids? And forced genderless-fluidity brainwashing in schools? Again, from school to the movies, everywhere, your children are absolutely being targeted for NWO-ZWO 'minion-ization'. Proactivity required. Be absolutely aware.
Rev. 18:4
7-9-15 follow up: 'Minions' The Movie 7-10-15: Androgynous Global-Slave Programming..."Because You're A Minion", Says ZWO
2Cor. 6:17-18 'Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty'
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