FOX Picks Up DC-Based Lucifer to Series
“Lucifer” stars Tom Ellis (Rush) in the title role as Lucifer, who, bored and unhappy as the Lord of Hell, resigns his throne and abandons his kingdom for the gorgeous, shimmering insanity of Los Angeles, where he gets his kicks helping the LAPD punish criminals. Co-starring alongside Ellis are Lauren German (“Chicago Fire”) as Chloe Dancer, an LAPD homicide detective who finds herself both repulsed and fascinated by Lucifer; Lesley-Ann Brandt (“Spartacus”) as Lucifer’s best friend Maze, a fierce demon who takes the form of a human woman; Nicholas Gonzalez (“Sleepy Hollow”) as Dan, an LAPD homicide detective wary of Lucifer; D.B. Woodside as Amenadiel, an angel sent to L.A. to persuade Lucifer to return to hell; and Rachael Harris as Linda, Lucifer’s therapist.
From Wiki: Lucifer is an upcoming American television series that is set to air on Fox,[1] and it is a loose adaptation of the comic book character created by Neil Gaiman for the comic book series The Sandman and its spin off comic book series Lucifer written by Mike Carey, both published by DC Comics' Vertigo imprint. The series was officially picked up on May 9, 2015 for the 2015-2016 season and it is scheduled to premiere in 2016.[2]
[Video disclaimer: Very dark, openly Satanic, flagrantly delusive to the point of disturbing - compliments of Talmudic Ziowood - and coming soon - designed to seriously delude your friends and family and you]
Cast and characters:
- Tom Ellis[4] as Lucifer Morningstar: The Lord of Hell who is bored of his life, abdicates and becomes consultant at the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)
- Lesley-Ann Brandt as Maze: Lover, confidante and a devoted ally of Lucifer Morningstar. She is the war leader of the Lilin, a race descended from Lilith.[5]
- Lauren German[7] as Chloe Dance: A homicide detective who aids Lucifer as he helps the LAPD solve crimes. The character description describes her as someone who is “repulsed and fascinated” by Lucifer as they work together to solve a murder.[8]
- Nicholas Gonzalez[9] as Dan: A LAPD homicide detective who is not a fan of Lucifer mainly because of the hellraiser’s connection to his wife and daughter.
- Rachael Harris[10] as Linda: Lucifer's therapist
- D. B. Woodside[10] as Amenadiel: An angel that heads to Los Angeles planning to convince Lucifer to go back to Hell
re: "Morningstar"
First things first, all other considerations aside for the moment, about the name assigned to devil-worshiping Zio-Hollywood's Antichrist-gone-good superhero crimefighter "Lucifer Morningstar". Very important to understand this about that name/title. The title "morning star" does not belong to Lucifer but to the Lord Jesus Christ [Rev. 22:16]. Lucifer's correct title is "son of the morning", as found in Isaiah 14:12, a passage that reveals his fall and ultimate demise. There is a huge difference. Referring to Lucifer as "morning star" is an usurpation, purposely and nefariously done by the way, as proven by the fact that the source of Lucifer's title-robbery is none other than the rewritten thoroughly corrupted Westcott-Hort pseudo-bibles, in particular the infamous NIV (Non-Inspired-Version) where Isaiah 14:12 "O Lucifer, son of the morning" is falsely translated by removing entirely the one only reference in all the Bible to the name "Lucifer", exchanging it for "Morningstar". Likewise the NASB (Not-A-Solid-Bible), also striking the name Lucifer from the text, making it to read "O star of the morning". No star for Lucifer in Isaiah 14. Virtually every other WH counterfeit-bible follows suit, using similar usurping names in Isaiah 14:12 like for example the favorite warmed-over Westcott-Hort 'version' of many today, the ESV (just another 'Error-Saturated-Version') which translates Lucifer's name and correct Isaiah 14:12 "son of the morning" title to "O Day Star, son of Dawn!"...which is another blatant usurpation of terms that rightly have reference only to the Saviour Christ Jesus - 2Peter 1:19.
And so, with a stolen identity, here now comes Zio-Hollywood's presentation of Antichrist comes to earth as Lucifer not-so-bad kinda good (note character 'Chole Dance' whose part has her both "repulsed and fascinated") just give him a chance crimefighter with best-friend/lover fierce-demon 'Maze' who assumes human form...the Clark Kent and Lois Lane of the underworld apparently.
Hard to imagine it getting any more pathetic than this. Or a more blatant attempt to 'reinvent' arch-counterfeit Lucifer/Satan/Antichrist for mass acceptance ala 666 style - he's your friend...really. As noted above, the series does not begin until 2016, but be aware now because this devilish-marketing campaign has already begun. Rev. 18:4
Compare: Biblical Deception Warning: New 'Endtimes' TV Series "The Messengers" Begins 4/17/15 - Resurrected Human-Angel 'Saviors' Battle Satan 4-17-15 "The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ [1Tim. 1:1] written out of the 'Apocalypse script' and replaced with supernatural resurrected human-angel saviors as the only hope to defeat Satan? Reminds one instantly of the verse of scripture in the Gospel of Matthew referring to the very (still-yet-future) apocalyptic-time of tribulation coming upon this earth...[Matt. 24:5] 'For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many'
Isaiah 14:12-15 'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground...For thou hast said in thine heart...I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit'
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