Was the Santa Barbara 666-days after the 2012 London Zion-Olympics opening ceremony mentally deranged random shooter lone wolf conspiracy-incident only one year ago. Hard to remember it. Hard to even remember any single event anymore with the way the Z-NWO 'fabricated-traumatic-incident' production company is pumping out incident after incident these days - virtually every day even multiple events on any given day. Trauma based mind control - isn't that what they call it - everybody kept in a constant state of emotional duress by having no time to recover before being exposed to the next trauma - and then another and another and another until everything is spinning. Such is the case today with what is daily served up as 'real' news. Completely spun out. The only defense is stay off their spinning wheel. At any rate, a quick one-year flashback of two interesting items sharing the common date of 5-23-14: the Santa Barbara Elliot Rodger drama of 5-23-14 which more than a few upon assessing determined could not be be anything other than another 'conspiracy-type' production, and the Newsweek magazine dated the same day with the 'Black Helicopter' cover story demonizing so-called conspiracy 'theorists' and theories as "a clear and present danger" to 'government':
5-23-14 'Elliot Rodger' An As-Above-So-Below Antichrist Ritual? Exactly 666 Days After 2012 Olympics Opening; & Aurora
2012 London Olympics Opening Day July 27, 2012; Santa Barbara "day of retribution" incident May 23, 2014; timeanddate.com |
Kabbalists do nothing without numerology. Numerology is a core tenant of their dark Satanic religion. So is the 'as-above-so-below' ritual. As-above-so-below rituals are crucial to the Kabbalists, without which, they believe, their plans will not succeed. For those unfamiliar with the phrase, very briefly, it signifies the need to act-out on the earth, or physical plane...what they hope to accomplish in the spiritual, or heavenly realm. For instance, if the plan is to physically bring Lucifer himself, in the person of the Antichrist, to reign on the earth, this must first be playacted. It appears that this very thing was actually seen with Aurora and the 2012 London Olympics...[see post] -- So if the interpretation of the Aurora-London 2012 symbology is correct [see post], 'little' baby Antichrist, 'harbingered' in Aurora on 7-20-12 [link], was then birthed one week later at the 7-27-12 opening ceremony of the 2012 London 'Zion' Olympics - which now, oddly enough, brings us directly to the May 23rd, 2014 Santa Barbara so-called "day of retribution". Exactly 666 days after 'little-giant' god-on-earth Titan baby was unveiled to the world, a self-professed "living god" suddenly appears on the scene claiming that he will - and without using any direct quotes because nothing from the Santa Barbara script is worth quoting - 'exact vengeance on all who deserve it'...and so on and so forth, etc. etc..."
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5-23-14 NEWSWEEK: Conspiracy Theories "A Clear And Present Danger" - And Are "Delusions, Fictions, Lunacy"
"The article itself is fairly predictable in that it basically is an argument making the case for the premise put forth on the magazine cover - namely that "conspiracy theories" have become so widespread now as to have become a "clear and present danger". The first paragraph quoted above elaborates this position very clearly: "conspiracy theories...have crossed a threshold", according to the non-conspiratorial 'experts' quoted in the article, and as a result, say they, "delusions, fictions and lunacy [are] now strangling government policies and creating national health risks"... The author then goes on to identify a number of the more prevalent "conspiracy theories" like 9/11, Agenda 21, Common Core, and others, and then proceeds to, predictably, explain why there really is no conspiracy at all, and that "extremist organizations" and "fringe groups" (and social media) are to blame..."
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Make-believe is the world of today [2Thes. 2:7]. Recommend staying well clear of the msm spinning wheel. Rev. 18:4
Jeremiah 6:19 'Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it'
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