"If I find anybody who is settled down too snugly into this world, I'm made to doubt his spiritual regenesis--whether he's ever truly been born again [1John 3:9]. He can live here and work here and serve here. But if I find he fits down into the world like a hand into an old and familiar glove, I worry a little bit about the man [2Cor. 6:15]. Because all the Christians I meet who are amounting to anything are Christians that are very much out of key with their age--very, very much out of tune with their generation [John 17:14]. Jesus called it a 'wicked and adulterous generation,' [Matt. 16:4] and that generation has not improved any--we're still the same wicked and adulterous generation that were in the days of Jesus. And if you can live in it too comfortably I am being made to wonder if the miracle [2Cor. 5:17] has ever been wrought in your life or not... The Christian has a homeland (Rev. 21:2,10,16,21,23,27) and the fact that we're not anticipating it or looking forward to it with any pleasure [2Tim. 4:10] is a serious mark that something is wrong with us." - A.W. Tozer
Matt. 16:24 'Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me'
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