LOS ANGELES – Holding his first Harvest Crusades outreach event in the media hub nicknamed "City of Angels," Greg Laurie brought his message of hope in Jesus Christ to an estimated 50,000 people at Dodger Stadium Saturday evening.
Founding Calvary Chapel pastor Chuck Smith, who mentored Laurie even before he became a church and evangelist leader, led the crowd in prayer for the families who lost loved ones during the terrorist attacks on 9/11...He prayed, "Father, as we are here on the eve of 9/11 and so vividly remember that day of infamy, with men for their religion who were willing to give their lives in order that they might take the lives of 3,000 people … Father, we pray for the families of those 3,000 people.”
Laurie said his desire was to address everyone in Los Angeles, “from the up-and-comers of Rodeo Drive to the down-and-outers of Skid Row,” on the topic of dealing with tragedy such as of the loss of life during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
1John 2:21 "...no lie is of the truth"
Something is very wrong when those who should be able to discern truth from fiction cannot. Something is very wrong when claimed ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ give credence to the horrific lies of the "spirit of antichrist" [Rev. 17:2], i.e. the physically impossible official account of 9/11, as happened here.
And ignorance is no excuse, for..."when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth" [John 16:13]
The only possible conclusion then is that the third person of the triune Godhead, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, had nothing to do with what went on at Dodger Stadium on the night of 9-10-11. No lie is of the truth....
Sad to say, Calvary Chapel-ers, but the truth of the matter is that what was done here reveals an apostate condition of the worst sort. The fact is that it can only be explained in the context of the picture given in the book of Revelation of the woman that will sit upon the beast [Rev. 17:3,4]. That is, apostate religion, the woman, in league with the corrupt political system, the beast, making up together what will then become the global government of the coming "man of sin", the "son of perdition", the Antichrist. [2 Thes. 2:3,4]
The woman in league with the beast. Whether Smith and Laurie know it or not, that is exactly what happened. It is not okay. Time to go for the door if you have not already. Rev. 18:4
Tom Montali, ex-Calvary Chapel-er
see all: calvary chapel
also: 911
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