The first international event to bring together regional excellence on a global levelOn November 19th to 21st we shall welcome to Milan representatives of the world's most important regions who, for the first time ever, will meet to discuss together the role of sub-national government and to share their most successful experiences in sectors that are critical for development.
The WRF's intention is to set up regular discussions between the larger regions, to contribute towards the socio-economic development of the entire planet.
re: Peter Drucker, 'socio-economic development'
Loads of info here on A21 and: 'regional governments' [see all]
For Peter Drucker and the three-legged stool; see: Rick Warren, Gulf Coast, and Peter Drucker 9-16-08
...aka communitarianism
[Learn these things, the time is short]
'Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus' Rev. 22:20
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