Youtube: "4/5/13 - On Friday, co-host of MSNBC's The Cycle, Krystal Ball, introduced a online-only feature called "Political Playground"... In the feature...Ball asks her daughter to expound on her thoughts on marriage and asked, if she was in love with a girl, would she marry that girl. Ball's daughter seemed well-informed about the state of same-sex marriage laws when she revealed that she could only marry a same-sex partner in the state of New York....."And that's good, because you want people to marry who they're in love with, right?" Ball asked...."Yeah," her daughter replied...Ball and her daughter agreed that other states which have not yet legalized same-sex marriage should do so. "That's crazy!" Ball's daughter exclaimed when she heard that other states continue to not recognize same-sex marriages"
The MSNBC host in question goes by the name "Krystal Ball". Brings to mind the idea of witchcraft... Rev. 18:4
Compare: 2,900+ Public, Private Schools To "Mix Up" Kids With Homosexual Propaganda TODAY 10-30-12 (Globally) 10-30-12 "'A national civil rights group that is known for its advocacy of the homosexual lifestyle is promoting its annual “Mix It Up” tolerance day to elementary schools'...Parents, red alert, it is now officially impossible to protect your children from sodomite indoctrination in either public or private schools without being aggressively proactive. The school system nationwide has been hijacked and transformed into homosexual recruitment centers. That exact goal is stated here and that openly. The homosexual-agendizers are launching a new proactive campaign of their own to 'mix up' all the boys and girls of America - to confuse them so that they will not know right from wrong, force homosexual 'affirmation' into their 'world view', and enlist who knows how many new little converts with their in-your-child's-face forced acceptance strategy - and they're walking right in through the front door....[see post]
also: Sodom, Ca, and the Nation..God Gave Them Up 7-16-08 :"With legal protection the agenda will most certainly be making it's way even into the preschools, teaching little Jimmy that he can 'marry' Suzy, or, if he wants to, he can 'marry' Bobby...either way will be just fine. Faux-marriage will be a valuable recruitment tool in the never tiring search for young 'converts'...Incidentally, the fact that this ungodliness could get so only possible because God Almighty...due to the "lusts of their own hearts"...has 'given them up'...It is an indictment on this nation, this world, and a clear sign of the lateness of the hour in which we live. God...gave them up" - Rom. 1:24
and: Homosexuality Is Sin, Says Bible - Regardless Of Who Twists It Otherwise (Obama) 5-12-12 "This is made indisputable, interestingly enough, by the very significant fact that the word "homosexual" is not even used. No, a much more descriptive and graphic phrase is used to translate the original New Testament Greek word for "homosexual" into the English language. In 1Cor 6:9, the Greek word "arsenokoites" is translated into the English phrase "abusers of themselves with mankind". [see post]
Isaiah 13:19 'And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah'
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