Your life...controlled by Facebook? That is exactly what this amounts to. Be alerted Facebookers (and Big Brother watchers) - the electronic tethering of the unwitting is being done in the 'light of day' now. Rev. 18:4
[The posting of this video is not to be seen as an endorsement of the Alex Jones/infowars enterprise. While they do put out much useful material, it comes with it's own slant, as does any source - but like any source, it can still be useful to a certain extent.]
related: Facebook Ready To Spend Heavily To Promote A Successful Facebook Home Launch; 4-7-12 "Looks like Facebook is going to bludgeon the public into submission with Facebook Home being advertised absolutely everywhere...Facebook needs to make sure that Facebook Home can be defined as a success. That’s not going to be measured by the’s going to be measured by the number of downloads and installs of Facebook Home from the Google Play store....So the solution is simple. Make sure everybody, literally, will see multiple ads for Facebook Home. And while people with concerns over privacy will not install Facebook Home, you can be sure that hundreds of thousands of people being told that their phone can be a better with Facebook Home will rush for the download. As long as they know about it...If they uninstall it after five minutes, their download still counts. The ‘active users’ question will likely pop up in a month or two, but for the moment Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg just need the big number for the media."
also: Facebook Locking Out Users Until They Provide Government Photo ID - Because Of "Manti Te'o" 3-9-13
5-8-13 update "Facebook Phone" Declared A Disaster After Only Three Weeks
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