"Everybody went flying everywhere," said passenger Bill McKenzie.
Roy Marceau, who said he takes the ferry every day said the impact felt like a "pretty good jolt."
An 11 member team from the National Transportation Safety Board was sent to New York City to begin an investigation into the cause of the crash.
Let's see now, is there a hidden-in-plain-sight message in this one, with the New York ferry slamming into the dock for no apparent reason. The ship is the "Wall Street", crashing on Pier 11 (with 11 people reported as "seriously injured" - link), and an 11 member team coming in to investigate. The symbolism would of course have to be a stock market crash, i.e. Wall Street. It all seems far too obvious though, with 'Wall Street' being the name of the ship, and the triple-elevens [33], and not even an attempt to be subtle, or even to appear to try to be, for that matter. And some of the passenger comments reported could easily describe a real stock market crash just as well as they describe this morning's ferry crash. If this 'event' was in fact intended as another little 'hidden message', then it would be very simple to interpret, which is, that they are about to crash the stock market, i.e. Wall Street, and that it will be a "pretty good jolt", and that when it happens, everybody is going to be flying everywhere...which then makes it a signal to the in-the-know crowd that it is time to get their money out.
But, again, it all seems far too obvious. It may just be that the secret 'clue-leavers' are playing some games now. But, if Wall Street does 'crash' at some unknown point in the near or relatively near-future - you saw it playacted on the dock at Pier 11 in New York first. That is what they call 'as-above-so below'. Rev. 18:4
Micah 5:10,12 'And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD...I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers...'
There were 326 passengers on the ferry at the time of the accident, and many people were standing near the exit when the impact occurred. While it is unclear what caused the ferry accident -- the crews passed Breathalyzer tests -- this particular ferry had been involved in previous docking crashes. A good number of us place confidence in common carriers - buses, light rail, subways, and ferries - to get to work. It's not news that these modes of transportation are equally capable of incident, we hear about bus, train, subway, and ferry accidents happening all the time. But, the peace of mind we get as passengers on these common carriers is that we don’t have to worry about the trip - we trust that the people operating these buses, subways, trains, and ferries will keep us safe.
See pic for FULL name of boat...
Seastreak Wall Street = Cease Streak Wall Street?
Hmmmmmmm. Aka Alert
Anon, there's an update on this too, concerning the 326 passengers. Usually it would be linked on the article but was overlooked on this one:
2-22-13 update
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