As early as next week, the Boy Scouts of America may announce it will allow gay Scouts and troop leaders, a spokesman for the group has told USA TODAY.
If this policy shift is approved by the national board meeting next week, it will be a sharp reversal of the Scouts' decades' old national policy banning homosexuals.
"The policy change under discussion would allow the religious, civic or educational organizations that oversee and deliver Scouting to determine how to address this issue," BSA spokesman Deron Smith said in a statement to USA TODAY.
The proposed new policy would leave decisions on membership and leadership up to the BSA' s 290 local governing councils and 116,000 sponsoring religious and civic groups.
"This would be an incredible step forward in the right direction," said Zach Wahls, Eagle Scout and founder of Scouts for Equality. Wahls said his group will work with BSA councils and chartering organizations across the country to end exclusion of gays.
Can heterosexual men be girl scout troop leaders then - or is that somehow different? Just throwing that out there to make a point as to how absolutely ludicrous this is on so many levels.
And for resistors, they have a plan for you too. The self-styled "Scouts for Equality" will be pressuring "BSA councils and chartering organizations across the country" to pry open every possible door so as to give themselves unrestricted access to all the young boys for indoctrination and recruitment.
Run for the doors Boy Scout-ers. Rev. 18:4
And for whosoever still cares, and for the record, the Word of God is eternal, it is unchanging, and gives an unequivocal condemnation of homosexuality. link
Gen. 13:13 'But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly'
No such thing as Judeo/Christian. Either you are Christian or you believe in Judiasm. Look up Noahide laws. They are not for the Christian.
What you have said is absolutely true...but not sure what the connection is with the Boy Scout issue
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