Former Defense Secretary and Eagle Scout Robert Gates took the helm of the Boy Scouts of America Saturday [5-24-14], and right away faced the inevitable question: What does the man who worked to allow gay soldiers in the US military think about the scouts’ ban on gay leaders?
Mr. Gates hardly demurred. Had he taken leadership before 1,500 Boy Scout volunteers voted last year to allow gay Boy Scouts, but not gay Boy Scout leaders, he would have pushed the group to end the ban, he said in an AP interview.
Defense Secretary under Presidents Bush and Obama, Gates – known for not shying from tough subjects that might offend colleagues – presided over ending the controversial “don’t ask, don’t tell” military policy on homosexual troops.
“I was prepared to go further than the decision that was made," Gates told The Associated Press in an interview before the annual meeting in Nashville Saturday. "I would have supported having gay Scoutmasters, but at the same time, I fully accept the decision that was democratically arrived at by 1,500 volunteers from across the entire country."
At the same time, Gates said he’d push BSA leadership for a “blunt talk” about how scouts can stay relevant and popular while holding onto its core values.
This post is a follow up on: Ex-Pentagon Official Homosexual Advocate Robert Gates Named President Of Boy Scouts 10-31-13 "Boy Scouts Or Scouting For Boys?...Gates, if ultimately approved, will begin serving in May 2014" - "Gay leaders" in the Boy Scouts? How much higher-level of "leader" than ex-Pentagon/CIA sworn homosexual-agenda advocate Robert Gates could possibly be found? - Boys to be openly trained under homosexual influence? - the end is near folks...protect your sons..." [see post]
Gates is in there for one purpose only Scout people - that is, he is the 'chosen one' to open the 'gates' by which the homosexual 'leaders' will enter in so that they can then 'lead' all the young boys. Where do they intend to lead them? - right into the 'genderless ZWO'. Red red red alert!
Rev. 18:4
Gen. 13:13 'But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly'
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