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3 Coasts in 3 Days? Santa Barbara On West, Myrtle Beach On East, Now A Beach 'Shooting' On Gulf Coast???
This is a follow up on this earlier post from today: Update On Fake False Prophet In Israel -Will There Be A Sign? -Lightning Hits EU, NY Towers; Global Psyops/Chaos 5-26-14 "Meanwhile, back on the earth, it seems that absolute chaos has been unleashed across the globe on a magnitude hard to recall having seen before: For instance, coast to coast gun-grab/forced psych-testing psy-ops (beach centered for whatever reason i.e Santa Barbara on the West Coast, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on the East Coast)..." [see post]
And just like that, another "beach-shooting" (psyop) - third in three days: West Coast, East Coast, and now "Clearwater Beach" Florida, which it turns out is on the Gulf Coast.
2 shot, 5 in custody at Clearwater Beach
CLEARWATER BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A city spokeswoman says two people have been shot and five suspects are in custody after a series of shootings on Clearwater Beach, Florida, that started outside the Hyatt Regency...She says access to the beach has been cut off and that only people who show proof of residency are being allowed in.
Are there any more coasts?
Rev. 18:4
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