Pentagon Official Who Pushed for Repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Named President of Boy Scouts
IRVING – A former Pentagon official who pushed for the repeal of the U.S. military’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy has been named the next president of the Boy Scouts of America.
Robert Gates served as the Secretary of Defense under then-President George W. Bush beginning in 2006 and stayed on board for part of Barack Obama’s first term. Prior to his appointment, he served 26 years in the CIA–his latter years as Director of Central Intelligence.
During his tenure as Secretary of Defense, Gates advocated for the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell–which barred open homosexuality in the military–and expressed his agreement with Obama’s push to do away with the law.
“There is no finer program for preparing American boys for citizenship and leadership than the Boy Scouts of America,” he remarked in a written statement. “As an Eagle Scout, I know firsthand how impactful this program can be, and I believe its mission is more important today than ever before.”
“I am honored to take on this role and look forward to working on behalf of the millions of youth and adult members who make Scouting what it is today—an organization providing life-changing opportunities to today’s youth,” Gates continued.
Gates, if ultimately approved, will begin serving in May 2014. He currently serves as chancellor of College of William and Mary in Virginia.
"Gay leaders" in the Boy Scouts? How much higher-level of "leader" than ex-Pentagon/CIA sworn homosexual-agenda advocate Robert Gates could possibly be found? Note Gate's comments: "Preparing American boys...impactful...mission more important today...life-changing" - no doubt the homosexual agenda-ites mean every word of this.
Boys to be openly trained under homosexual influence? - the end is near folks...protect your sons... Rev. 18:4
Gen. 13:13 'But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly'
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