After Sandy, a new threat: Feds rewrite flood maps, boosting flood insurance
[excerpted] TOMS RIVER, N.J. (AP) — George Kasimos has almost finished repairing flood damage to his waterfront home, but his Superstorm Sandy nightmare is far from over...Like thousands of others in the hardest-hit coastal stretches of New Jersey and New York, his life is in limbo as he waits to see if tough new coastal rebuilding rules make it just too expensive for him to stay...That's because the federal government's newly released advisory flood maps have put his Toms River home in the most vulnerable area — the "velocity zone." If that sticks, he'd have to jack his house up 14 feet on stilts at a cost of $150,000 or face up to $30,000 a year in flood insurance premiums.
For many, it's an impossible choice. They can't afford to do either. And many unanswered questions have left residents paralyzed with indecision...About $350 million of New York City's and $600 million of New Jersey's Sandy relief funding has been allocated for the repair of single- and two-family homes, which could help defray the cost. But it's still unclear how that money will be distributed among individual homeowners, which means many of them could be on their own financially.
Yet residents here are staring down a possible A or V flood zone designation, putting them squarely on target to incur astronomical insurance premiums. FEMA defines an A zone as an area that has a 26 percent chance of flooding over 30 years. A V zone is the same, but adds the potential hazard of storm waves, increasing insurance premiums.
"The thing that scares me is that we've invested and worked on our houses our whole life," said Frank Porcella, who took out a mortgage to pay for flooding damage to his bungalow. "And now they'll make this place and the area around it a ghost town."
Several months before Sandy hit, Congress quietly passed the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act, a bill that authorized skyrocketing premium increases for people in flood-prone communities...At the same time, FEMA was already preparing to update flood plain maps that hadn't been revised in more than three decades. The new maps account for sea level rise and other changes to the coastline, putting almost every town in a more stringent flood zone.
If a home lies 4 feet below the [newly designated] flood plain, for example, a homeowner could pay $9,000 a year in flood insurance once the new rates take effect, Larson said. And the cost could be much higher, depending on the designation and where the home sits...That's why Kasimos founded "Stop FEMA Now!," a grassroots group that's fighting for changes to both Biggert-Waters and the new flood maps...Stacey Mattison of Belle Chasse, La., started a Louisiana chapter after learning her annual flood insurance premium will skyrocket from $300 to nearly $10,000.
Lynn O'Hanlon is set on raising her Broad Channel home...possibly as high as 14 feet, depending on the final instructions from FEMA. But she's worried about the future of their cozy community where people have lived for generations in close proximity to the sea...What will it look like 20 years from now?..."I hope that the money comes through and the houses go up, and we're all one community 14 feet in the air," she said. "Hopefully."
Very interesting revelations on the aftermath of anomalous Super 'post-tropical' Storm Sandy ('Sandy' was a post-tropical storm when it made landfall - see 'update' above): Namely, Biggert-Waters (bigger waters?) Flood Insurance Reform Act passed a few months before 'post-tropical' storm Sandy...and FEMA's revised flood plain maps "putting almost every town in a more stringent zone" already in the works...and flood-relief funding supposedly available but apparently nothing definite on who gets what or how?
According to the article the new FEMA maps will not be released for a few months. Potentially things could get even more confused than they are now. One thing very clear though, those coastal areas, where people have lived for generations without a problem, will never be the same - all because of anomalous 'Sandy' with it's claimed "Sandy Hook" [see 'update' above]...and the pre-planned regulatory changes.
Anything to see here? You make the call. Rev. 18:4
Job 26:10 'He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end.'
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