Yahoo to Users: Let Us Read Your Emails or — Goodbye!
As of June 1, all Yahoo email users are required to upgrade to the company’s newest platform, which allows Yahoo to scan and analyze every email they write or receive. According to Yahoo’s help page, all users who make the transition agree to let the company perform “content scanning and analyzing of your communications content” to target ads, offer products, and perform “abuse protection.”
This means any message that Yahoo’s algorithms find disturbing could flag a user as a bully, a threat, or worse. At the same time, Yahoo can now openly troll through email for personal information that it can share or hold onto indefinitely.
See:href="http://help.yahoo.com/kb/index?page=content&y=PROD_MAIL_ML&locale=en_US&id=SLN3254 Archived at: Yahoo mail upgrade.
The new tracking policy affects more than just Yahoo account holders. Everyone who corresponds with a Yahoo email account holder will also have their own message content scanned, analyzed, and stored by Yahoo, even if they themselves have not agreed to Yahoo’s new terms of service.
Where prior versions of Yahoo had tracking policies buried in the fine print, the company’s tracking agenda is now openly stated in paragraph 2: “When you upgrade you will be accepting our …Privacy Policy.” That is, its anti-privacy policy.
"required to upgrade...when you upgrade you will be accepting...our 'privacy' policy"...as well as subjecting anybody who e-mails you from any carrier to it also. Here now comes the 'chill factor' to emailing, creating the scenario where even private communication now becomes a risky proposition. And openly declared as it is, this, by definition, is absolute Big Brotherism. And, Yahoo's action signals very clearly where things are headed overall. Make necessary adjustments... Rev. 18:4
Jeremiah 6: 19 'Hear, O earth: behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it' [ZWO - Zionist world order]
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