Called the Internet Protection Act (A.8688/S.6779), the legislation would require a web site administrator to pull down anonymous comments from sites, including "social networks, blogs forums, message boards or any other discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages."
The bill states: A web site administrator upon request shall remove any comments posted on his or her web site by an anonymous poster unless such anonymous poster agrees to attach his or her name to the post and confirms that his or her IP address, legal name, and home address are accurate. All web site administrators shall have a contact number or e-mail address posted for such removal requests, clearly visible in any sections where comments are posted.
Among the bills' sponsors are New York Assemblyman Dean Murray and Sen. Thomas O'Mara, who say the proposed law is to fight cyberbullying.
"Cyberbullying has become one of the great tragedies of the Internet age," O'Mara said at a press conference. "Numerous national studies tell us that upwards of 40 percent of students have experienced some form of cyberbullying at least once, and they feel helpless in the face of it. Victims of anonymous cyberbullies need protection. We're hopeful that this legislation can be helpful to the overall effort to deter and prevent anonymous criminals from hiding behind modern technology and using the Internet to bully, defame and harass their victims."
The bill would give that website administrator full access to private information, with no additional security provisions for users who would have to hand over their personal information.
Compare: Big Brother Taking Off Censorship Gloves: Jordan Bans 'Unlicensed' News Sites
"...the fact that Jordan just hosted the "International Press Institute World Congress" and the "World Economic Forum", makes very evident that what just happened in Jordan was no unilateral action by a single country, but is a 'roll-out' of a global plan to now essentially take complete control of the internet. How much time is left before this is accomplished across the board? If the past ten days are any indication, that day may not be all that far off..." [see post]
When the sort of very strong language used in this 'proposal' is seen, i.e. "anonymous criminals", it's clear that the muzzling of 'non-approved' speech has begun in a big way.
fyi - Psalms 99:1
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