After the events of the last twelve months, including, to name just a few, the NDAA, the Drone Authorization Act, the enactment of the HR-347 Anti-protest Law, the new 2012 version of the Defense Preparedness EO, the rights-destroying SCOTUS Strip Search Ruling, and of course the SCOTUS ruling on the so-called Obamacare "Individual Mandate", that last year's July 4th TIME cover actually was an NWO 'in your face'* message is now absolutely confirmed. Definitely take note:
July 4th 2011 Time Magazine 'Shreds' U.S. Constitution
Happy 4th of July from the Zionist NWO-ers:
re: "Does it still matter?"
The bottom-line reality is harsh but simple, and it goes like this: by definition "sovereign nations" cannot exist in the so-called NWO's planned one world government, which is actually intended to function as a 'kingdom'...a global kingdom** that is...dictated over by a self-proclaimed 'divine race'...aka Zionists, while the rest of the world, peasants all, would grovel at their feet [here].
It goes without saying that the constitutions of all the formerly sovereign nations of the world, including the USA's, would then of course 'not matter' anymore, to answer the question poised on the TIME cover, and will be sent to the NWO's shredding machines. That this is the message being sent here is clear to see.
*"In your face" the psychological message. Be very aware of the import of that message. Rev. 18:4
What happens next after the sovereignties of the nations of the earth are dissolved...according to the Word of God? Answer: "Ten Kings...Shall Arise" Dan. 7:24
**Amos 9:8 "Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth..."
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