Civilian Army In Healthcare Bill
Details of the civilian army were hidden in the voluminous Obamacare bill, which our Congressmen and Senators voted on but did not read...SEC. 5210. ESTABLISHING A READY RESERVE CORPS. Section 203 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 204) is amended to read as follows: SEC. 203. COMMISSIONED CORPS AND READY RESERVE CORPS. (a) ESTABLISHMENT– (1) IN GENERAL.–here shall be in the Service a commissioned Regular Corps and a Ready Reserve Corps for service in time of national emergency
3) APPOINTMENT.– Commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps shall be appointed by the President and commissioned officers of the Regular Corps shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate..
In 2014, The [NWO] Dictatorship Will Be Complete
Within the 2500 pages of the comically-named Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is cached the 2014 establishment of the Independent Payment Advisory Board. Nominated exclusively by the president, the 15 members of the Board will ostensibly be tasked with “…prevent[ing] per-enrollee Medicare spending from growing faster than a specified target rate.” To accomplish this congressional mandate, ObamaCare has provided the Board with the authority to submit legislative “proposals” to Congress; proposals which will automatically become law unless both Houses AND the President agree upon and pass into law a substitute measure.
In short, “the Board’s edicts …become law without congressional action, congressional approval, meaningful congressional oversight, or being subject to a presidential veto.” Moreover, citizens will have NO authority to challenge the Board’s pronouncements in court, for ObamaCare “…specifically states that the Secretary [of Health and Human Service’s] implementation of IPAB’s proposals is not judicially reviewable.” Therefore a group of presidential, POLITICAL appointees will have the practical power of shaping and imposing upon the American public, the laws of the land! For in addition to creating edicts loosely attached to Medicare and its myriad applications, in 2015 the IPAB will be permitted to impose price controls, taxes and “…ration care for all Americans whether the government pays their medical bills or not!” Thus even the Medicare stipulation will no longer be a practical deterrent to the Board’s authority.
How is all of this possible? According to the Cato Institute, “…by carving out a discrete list of limitations on the Board’s delegated powers, the [Affordable Care] Act implicitly gives IPAB otherwise unlimited power to exercise any enumerated congressional power with respect to any governmental body, industry, property, product, person, service or activity.” And just like Congress, the IPAB has been given the authority to appropriate federal funds and impose conditions for their receipt. This means “the Board could propose…to require states to implement federal laws or to enact new state laws in order to receive federal funding.”
The go-ahead to create a civilian army with all officers "appointed by the president...for service in times of national emergency" - which really amounts to nothing less than a 'private' army, and, the "Independent Payment Advisory Board"...with unaccountable, unlimited power, able to make law "without congressional action".
Well, at least now you know. And surely that's not the last of it. fyi...
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