Quoting from above 'follow up' linked post with regard to ALL the Pro Sports leagues newly stated claim of "responsibility and role" to further the sodomite agenda of the would-be novus-ordo-seclorum the statement was made that this would be done "by weaving the theme in various ways into everything surrounding...[the sports]". Fact is this has now begun. In this instance by way of beer commercials - beer commercials that have been played repeatedly of late during sporting events. Not only pro but college level also. Without question the demographic for the 'beer commercial' is going to be primarily the sports-minded male, aka the beer-drinkers. Weaving the homosexual-theme into commercials played during sporting events clearly qualifies as part of the "everything" that surrounds the world of sports. Which brings up the issue of these commercials by openly-gay spokesman Neil Patrick Harris. These commercials take the 'gay theme' to a whole new level. Not the standard 'acceptance' based portrayal, as the usual, these new Heineken commercials are portraying overt and aggressive solicitation of actual sodomite acts. Without question this takes the whole thing into an entirely new realm. When it gets to this point, you know you are now in Sodom and Gomorrah.
That this does in fact represent a very marked change in the overall sodomite-agenda is the only reason for posting them here - 'For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light...' [Eph. 5:12-13]. Critical to be aware so as to protect from the psychological attack, not only oneself, but others who are vulnerable, like your sons and daughters especially.
Two commercials: First one is gay Neil Patrick Harris soliciting non-gay football-fan BBQ guy; second is gay-cop in short-shorts soliciting Neil Patrick Harris [:25]. Warning note: viewing likely to induce strong sick-to-your-stomach condition:
[above video vanished from yt - below is a screenshot from the video. Neal Patrick Harris propositions BBQ-guy with homo-innuendo asking BBQ-guy "can I (NPH) flip your... [burger]" (he did not use the word 'burger' though, but what is is made of)
When gay-acceptance suddenly becomes sodomite-solicitation - this is a zwo paradigm-shift that every person needs to be aware of. Sports fan, do you understand that it is you that is being solicited? When you can no longer continue to partake of 'sports fandom' without being assaulted by sodomite-solicitation, there really is only one option. That option is to face the reality that Pro Sports, and college level too, are done. It's over. Shed a few tears if necessary, but it is over over over. This is the very plain reality now presenting - Sports in Sodom 2016. Either let it go, or be sodomite-solicited - that is have your mind, your very person, assaulted. Not walking can only mean submitting to it. Submit not to the Sodomites of Sodom - they are "wicked...exceedingly"*
Rev. 18:4
*Genesis 13:13 'But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly'
Hi Tom,
I want to thank you for your coverage of this subject. I am concerned that the Christian response to the state of affairs in the world, and in the area of professional sports, may be sadly disappointing. The love of sports runs deep, very deep, in many that I know. They cannot see the idolatry of man that it is. I have tried, many times, to get through to those nearest to me, but so far the response is disappointing. The curtain is dropping (the dragnet even), and they don't want to see it. Excuses abound.
On another subject (somewhat), I wanted to alert you to a typo in the above article. There is a word duplication "that this WOULD WOULD be done" in the following paragraph:
Quoting from above 'follow up' linked post with regard to ALL the Pro Sports leagues newly stated claim of "responsibility and role" to further the sodomite agenda of the would-be novus-ordo-seclorum the statement was made that this would would be done "by weaving the theme in various ways into everything surrounding...[the sports]".
THANKS, TOM, for your vigilance in presenting the things you do. I pray that all of us will take to heart the realities forming around us, have nothing to do with "the fruitless works of darkness", wake up from our slumber and serve GOD with clean hands and hearts and minds. No excuses.
Gratefully in Christ Jesus ~ your sister in Him, Lynn
Sorry Tom, one more: "sports-mined" is missing a 'd' (sports-minded). Found here:
Quoting from above 'follow up' linked post... Without question the demographic for the 'beer commercial' is going to be primarily the sports-mined male, aka the beer-drinkers.
~ Lynn
Typos fixed - thanks for the proofread
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