IF MY PEOPLE 2016 - IMP2016
This event in Washington D.C. scheduled for tomorrow 9/11/16 is about one thing and one thing only - which is exactly what is outlined in the follow-up post linked above dated 2-1-13. What is quoted there is just a few excerpts from that post to give the general idea...i.e. the subjugating of 'christianity' under Jewish control. The full post is much more specific - see @ link. The images on this page and this 'mission statement' directly below quoted from the 'IMP' website - for those able to discern - make it very evident that exactly this is the real purpose of IMP2016:
"The events on September 11, 2001 have been widely accepted by the church as a sign that we as individuals and collectively as a nation need to repent.."
Is that so? 9-11 widely accepted by the church as a 'sign' of needed church and national repentance? And so now churches called to collectively 'repent' in their 9-11-16 Sunday services and then join the Sunday evening webcast to 'repent nationally' - to of course be led by none other than Jewish rabbi the Harbinger Cahn-man himself. Unified 'Christianity' under the leadership of a Jewish rabbi? Without doubt this is the Harbinger plan from the beginning. Selling the false doctrine of "Covenant America", and the impossible i.e. false official-storyline of 9/11, along with the falsity of then making it out to be a 'judgment of God' on America' for sin - this is the strategy that has been used to bring it about. All now going live:
"The events on September 11, 2001 have been widely accepted by the church as a sign that we as individuals and collectively as a nation need to repent. Since that fateful September day, there have been many prayer movements and regional calls for repentance. IF MY PEOPLE 2016 is call for all Christians, churches, denominations, and parachurch organizations to unify on one day to cry out to God in repentance.
September 11, 2016 seems to be symbolic for several reasons. First of all, it is the 15th anniversary of the 9/11/01. Secondly, the date falls on a Sunday. Calling for church-wide repentance on a day that most are already in worship services across America could prove quite meaningful. Also, 2016’s 9/11 occurs right before the national election for the President of the United States. National elections seem to bring greater awareness of the ungodly direction of the country and also place a deeper burden on Christians to pray for the nation and the church as a whole. Most importantly, we truly feel that God has led us to September 11, 2016 as the appointed time for national unified repentance in the church."
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composite screenshot from 'IMP' website 2016 |
At any rate, that is not the only little oddity to be discovered. Below is a screen shot of the event promo-video from the 'IMP' website [posted below]. Note added white dotted lines and the arrow in the center of the letter 'O' in the word 'PEOPLE'. The arrow is pointing at a faint white spot, which actually is a 'falling star' that appears at the end of the video for some unknown reason. The white dotted lines chart the path of the video's falling star - which appears at the 2:04 mark [see below]. It is faint and goes by quickly, but it is definitely there. Why would event coordinators put a falling-star in their video? This can only bring to mind of course the most infamous falling star of all time i.e. Lucifer: 'And he [the Lord Jesus] said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven - Luke 10:18. Talmud again?
All of 'Christendom' to be 'gathered' into "David's Tent"? - That's the plan -and that by definition is 'judaization'. |
Not to delve into these subjects here any more than this though - they are covered in the post below - see full at link. What should be definitely noted though is that this event clearly marks a big advance of the overall movement. That would be the movement to subjugate all of 'Christendom' under the Talmudic-Kabbalist-Jewish agenda [see 'Harbinger is a Cahn Job'].
It is right out in the open now.
9/11 Washington D.C. call for 'unifying' led by rabbi 'Cahn' - this is that. Rev. 18:4
See: "The Harbinger" Is A Cahn Job 2-13-16 "...most likely all are aware also of the basic premise of the book [The Harbinger], namely that 9-11 was a judgment of God on America essentially for sin and for turning away from Him...The reality is that to accept the foundational premise of the book, one has to suspend all rational thought and first accept the official narrative of 9/11...Is there anybody that does still actually believe these things? Apparently so, but the reality is that millions worldwide do not [link]...And if you will believe all of that, to accept the premise of "The Harbinger" you will next have to believe that this event was a judgment of God on 'His people' of America for their sin and for turning from him. This is now having to do with biblical doctrine. Here the premise is that this 9/11 judgment came because America, as was ancient Israel, is a "covenant nation" of God Almighty. Christian, there is not one single verse in the entire Word of God to support this. This is absolutely unscriptural, i.e. utterly false...God never made any 'covenant' with 'America'. America then, as a nation, could never "turn away from God".....To accept this 'covenant America' teaching actually requires a second suspension of rational thought, not to mention also having no true biblical understanding...All of this leads to the issue of what is known as the judaizing of Christianity...But it is not only Christians, ultimately all religions, and in fact, all of society - is to be brought under Jewish control with rabbis as authorities.
A Jewish global empire, in other words, is the goal...Back to the Harbinger and the judgment of America for 'her sin', Cahn's solution is a 2Chron. 7:14 rally cry - "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land"...All people indivisible under one 'god' is the "secret future" the Jews have planned for not only America but for the world. The god of the Talmud though is not the God of the bible. The 'Cahn' job in the form of this book titled "The Harbinger" on the secret meaning of 9/11 and the "Secret of America's Future" is not going away anytime soon. The reality is that 'the movement' may be just getting started. Know about it.
This call to "my people", meaning the people of America according to the Cahn 'Harbinger' theology, is taking the appearance of a move toward interfaith alliances - with Jewish rabbis in control, something like what the picture above reveals [see full post at link]
1John 4:1 'Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world'
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