BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — The biggest civic bankruptcy in American history could leave residents of Alabama's most populous county paying astronomical rates for public services performed by a skeleton crew of county workers. Or it could simply mean tightening the belt another few notches, depending how much of Jefferson County's $4.15 billion debt will have to be paid.
For now, much is uncertain for following the county's Chapter 9 filing on Wednesday. The full impact on its 658,000 resident's won't be clear until after a judge approves the move at a hearing next month and local officials negotiate a plan with creditors for adjusting its debts. The outlook among some officials was grim a day after the filing, while others defended the move.
In the short term, the filing will mean legal fees further sapping the coffers of a government that was already in the process of cutting hundreds of jobs and considering curtailing services.
Municipal bankruptcy filings elsewhere have also led to higher taxes, pension reductions for public workers and spending cuts on schools, roads and other infrastructure. .
"We are in uncharted territory. Nobody has ever done anything like this on this level," said Jefferson County Commissioner George Bowman, who opposed his four fellow commissioners in the vote.
Pennsylvania's capital city of Harrisburg recently sought bankruptcy protection under similar circumstances in a federal filing that listed about $458 million in creditors and claims.
The above is related to and is a follow up on: Next Stage Of NWO U.S. Economic Collapse Begins: Capital City Of Pennsylvania Files Bankruptcy 10-12-11 "Under the plan, already half-way there having "passed the House", the city goes into "receivership", and suddenly it is then under the control of private interests...As has been stated many times, as the USA is morphed into the kabalist communitarian-global-system known as Agenda 21, state and local governments will be completely dismantled. A21 is a 'privatized' global system...Expect to see the 'Pennsylvania model' taken to many other localities nationwide"
compare also: 'Rock Church' San Diego Models One World Government System 11-25-09
"As stated previously many times on this blog, the U.S. is being rapidly transitioned into, and is essentially already operating under the directive of the
The Jefferson County Commissioner stated "we are in uncharted terrority". Not exactly true. The transition from American representative government to privatized i.e. corporate-owned communitarian global government, which is exactly what is seen here, is terrority that was charted long ago. The harsh reality is that the 'charts' are now being followed and the 'terrority' is being traversed - the carefully choregraphed takedown of the USA for assimilation into the privatized global-regional system of the antichrist beast. It is what it is. Be informed. [follow links ,connect dots]
Update on the Pennsylvania bankruptcy [see first 'follow up']: A hearing before a federal judge is scheduled for 11-23-11 to determine how the case is to be handled. [side note: The #23 is an occultic illuminati favorite - signifying things that are to be terminated, so to speak. Just noticing]
Rev. 13:1 'And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea'
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