[2-2-25] "Everything according to plan always: Trump announces 'tariffs' on Canada and Mexico - now a couple of days later Canada and Mexico fire back announcing they will retaliate in like fashion. Which means soaring prices on most everything for John Q. Public. And since we all know beyond any question that they - the actor-leaders of the three countries - all are in on this ridiculously contrived fairy-tale problem-reaction-solution scripted drama, the only question then is exactly what 'solution' has been purposed for the made-up 'crisis'. Answer (way too simple and obvious): 'Well now everyone isn't it clear that the economies of the three nations must now be merged for the 'good of all'.. regional managment really does make so much more sense in the 'global marketplace' of today's world, yada yada -- 2030 you'll own nothing and be happy. Plan is on full speed ahead.."
Above excerpted from 2-2-25 original post: Trump Tariffs Canada Mexico - They Announce Retaliation-Tariffs: Obvious 'Canamerexico' Problem-Reaction-Solution Hoax Underway; 2030 Push Is On [see full post]
March 2025 and so now here it goes the fake tariff-playacting production begins. Little if anything need be added to the things stated in the above linked original post re: deceptive scheme to ultimately tranceform Canada Mexico USA into the global-regional model of the planned zionist-controlled would-be kingdom-kome totalitarian one-world governemnt [link]. Briefly though - this ridiculously contrived supposed tariff-spat is just getting things going. Dissolving national sovereignties cannot be done without dire consequences. Without question which are sure to come going forward. This must be understood and kept in mind. Every bit of everything has been planned - from a very very long time back. Many know these things already but not all. One take-away is that one-world-government is bible prophecy. Setting the stage for the 'beast from the sea' Rev. 13:1-2 to come and take the reigns of that one-world-government when it comes to full fruition. It will take some doing still before it gets to that point but the zio-gang are going full tilt now. Be paying close attention always many changing-things in the months and years ahead. Believe the bible (KJV)? - if not maybe need to rethink that [Luke 21:36]. On that note one more thing for now notice also 'Chyna' has been given a role to play in this 'Tariffs-Ordo-Ab-Chao' tansformative scheme - well wonder not because they have a huge part to play in the up-coming fake Gog-Magog as the big bad enemy that is to be defeated for world-conquest by the 'good guys' - see: Fake Gog-Magog; and: here
That's about it at this point much more to come that's a guarantee stay tuned be informed the 'ordo-ab-chao' of everything Trump apprentice show just getting going..
see also: Burning down cities - LA
Rev. 18:4