John 20:19 'Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you'
The day of the resurrection this was the evening. All the disciples were there.. (except Thomas v. 24); Peter James John etc. would have all been there -- and then the risen Lord Jesus Christ..
John 20:22 '..breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost'
Highly significant moment in the history of mankind. This was only the second time ever that God 'breathed' on man - the first was the original creation Genesis 2:7, and now here.
The original creation of man was in the image of God [Gen. 1:26]. When man sinned he fell he lost that image [Gen. 3:19; 5:3]. Here then is the enormous significance of this very special moment on the very evening of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. God breathing on man this second time signified the recreation of man back into the image of God [Rom. 8:29; Col. 3:10; 2 Cor. 3:18]. This recreated image is the result of God breathing again upon man and man 'receiving the Holy Ghost'. Man renewed back to the image of God by God 'indwelling' man. It would literally be God in him [1 Cor. 6:19]. Tremendous moment in the history of mankind.
Next question what is the church i.e the body of Christ? Answer: The NT church is made up of all, and only, those who are "indwelt by the Holy Ghost". Many nominal/professing Christians today have never been "indwelt by the Holy Ghost" [Matt. 25:3]. The true believer though, who is indwelt by God the Holy Ghost, then becomes a "new creature". New creature meaning nothing like it ever before existed. God in man. This is the meaning of the term new creature [2 Cor. 5:17].
That night when the risen Lord Jesus Christ breathed on his disciples (for only the second time in mankind's history) and said "receive ye the Holy Ghost"-- they were at that moment indwelt by God the Holy Ghost [John 14:16] and in fact became the first ever 'new creatures' .. and the very first members of the body of Christ the church.
The Lord Jesus Christ said "I will build my church" -- this is exactly where he began - on the very night of his resurrection. Note: no reason to wait all was accomplished. The NT church aka the body of Christ was birthed here in this room this night by the Holy Ghost indwelling the disciples breathed into them by God the Son the risen Christ [Col. 1:15-17].
*Next question re: Acts 2 the church beginning as most often taught? Important to understand on this topic - Acts 2 in fact not the actual beginning of the church what then did happen on that occasion:
The answer is very simple and straightforward. The church having been birthed the next thing that would happen is that they would need to be empowered.
Empowered. This is different than the indwelling. What happened Acts 2 (commonly called the 'Day of Pentecost') -- is exactly what was foretold Acts 1:8 - "ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.." (Note: Acts 1:4 They were told wait in Jerusalem until that happened - cf. Luke 24:49 .. tarry until, and 'upon');
Acts 1:8 the key word is "upon" - the Holy Ghost come upon .. upon is external it is not indwelling. Indwelling makes one part of the body of Christ - "upon" we just learned is for 'power' to act.
Acts 2 the day it happened - Acts 2:3 describes the moment - that power came upon all assembled - the word used in 2:3 is again "upon". [Note: exact words are very important]
This is not the birth of the church as commonly taught - but the empowering of the 'already existing' church for service.
Very important to note: Acts 2 The church had to already exist made up of all who were indwelt (Acts 2:47) - for the Holy Ghost will only come upon and empower 'new creatures' [John 1:12] - like the apostles Peter, James, John etc. and the others that day.
Simple and straightforward. NT church birthed resurrection night by the first ever indwelling and then empowered Acts 2. That this is precisely what the word of God gives as to the beginning of the NT church, honestly considered, is indisputable.
God re-breathed back to the image resurrection night body of Christ the church.
See also: Last Trump 1 Cor. 15:52 [Solved]