Reality: there is a real name, a true name, a correct name. A name that actually reveals that the charge of conspiracy to control the world is in fact true, and that reveals exactly the who, what, and why, of the conspiracy. And that real name is the Hebrew phrase 'Tikkun Olam" which comes from the Jewish occult-mystical book of sorcery known as the Kabbalah. And it does reveal the Who, What, and Why. The meaning of the Hebrew phrase Tikkun Olam, as the Hebrew translators put it, is "Repair the World". This Jewish goal of Tikkun Olam is known, and the Jews have been at it for centuries, and while not exposing it openly, Jews plainly admit their entire existence is in essence focused solely on the one purpose of accomplishing this Jewish conspiracy. The reality is that the misnamed 'Great Reset' is in fact this very plan in the world today, which, in their own words, is absolutely a Jewish conspiracy to do what they call "repairing the world".
The huge problem though is the meaning they assign to that word 'repair'. How they define it is massively contorted and benefits them only. The actual meaning of the phrase Tikkun Olam to the Jew is absolutely nothing less than a declaration of the singular intent to achieve the Jewish goal of global domination, which by definition of the term, involves controlling "spiritual forces" (and world events) to bring it about. This they can do because they are "equal" to god - so they believe - and for this reason anything they do good or bad to achieve their result is fine. This 'work' they refer to as "repairing the world", which according to the Jewish kabbalah, will not happen until all the world recognizes the Jews as the saviors of the world and essentially yield to them as the master race. This absolutely is the reality and the explanation of the situation this world is in today. Understanding this much is the starting point to understanding everything transpiring in the world today...
This subject was the topic of this post from years ago with regard to the use of the phrase 'Tikkun Olam' by Barack Obama at a 2011 White House Hanukkah ceremony [do read full]:
Originally posted 12-26-11:
"Repair The World" i.e. 'Tikkun Olam' - From the Jewish Kabbalah ..The Jewish Conspiracy To Control The World
"Is there a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world? If so, can it be summed up in a single phrase? Would that phrase be found in the Jewish kabbalah?
The video below is from the 2011 Hanukkah ceremony held December 8th at the White House. During the ceremony, Obama makes this very interesting statement [3:00 - 3:09]: "...let's extend a hand to those who are in need...and allow the value of..uh.."tikkun olam" to guide our work this holiday season"
re: "the value of tikkun olam to guide our work"?
This statement made by Obama at the White House Hanukkah ceremony on 12-8-11, when understood, is astounding. It literally opens up a panorama of revelation as to how the world is now being "guided" into the so called new world order. According to Obama, it is the "value of tikkun olam" that is guiding this work. Not surprisingly, as it turns out, the phrase "tikkun olam" comes from the Jewish kabbalah. Research will show that this phrase has a wide variety of applications but at it's core the meaning is very profound. It basically embodies the concept of the Jew as the savior of the world, with the power to "control spiritual forces" through their deeds and will, and that it is up to them to "perfect the world". This will be accomplished "when all of humanity recognizes this fact", and comes into unity with them and their 'god' Hashem, in what is to be a "model Jewish society""
read full>>
seems a false or overwrought article only a little explosion
I was edified by reading one of your posts you linked to a few days ago, I am very puzzled by the timetable of the end of the age and still trying to piece together but spending more time on deep prayer and the Gospels.
"Here is one of the greatest passages of scripture in all the Word of God, that answers both:
Isaiah 9:6-7 'For unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder:
and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller,
The mighty God, The everlasting Father,
The Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end,
upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom,
to order it, and to establish it with judgment
and with justice from henceforth even for ever.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this'
Who will establish the kingdom and govern the nations: The Lord Jesus Christ - the government shall be upon his shoulder
When: At His return, the 'second coming', and not before: "the zeal of the LORD of Hosts shall perform this"
Start here, everything else must follow."
to Natalia:
re: piecing together
There is a verse in the book of Isaiah (Isa. 28:10) on learning the scriptures:
"For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little"
Keeping at it..nice and steady the only way (piece by piece). Do not know that you are but do not be hesitant to take on the whole bible - cover to cover. The LORD is our teacher [Psalms 25:12]
(On that, one thing more about it.. also do not know if you are settled on the bible-version issue. Many will say otherwise, but i will argue that: to use only the Authorized Version (KJV) is crucial.. because it's the only bible that works - and all other versions are 'lifeless'.. [for any not aware of the issues involved on this topic searching it out highly recommended]).
Tom wrote:
... to use only the Authorized Version (KJV) is crucial.. because it's the only bible that works - and all other versions are 'lifeless'.. [for any not aware of the issues involved on this topic searching it out highly recommended]).
Tom, I could not agree more. It grieves me to see that many are seemingly oblivious of this - despite (or because of) the eerie times we live in.
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