
Jewish Flag Is Two Rivers - Occult Star of Remphan - Hidden-In-Plain-Sight Revelation Of Everything Happening In World Today i.e. Zionist 'Greater Israel' Plan aka 'Tikkun Olam'

Palestine (Gaza, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.), Syria, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, China, TrumpcardUSA, etc., and Israel - all just part of the lastest episode/s of the one-only agenda being played out on the world stage - Tikkun Olam - it is the only thing happening - every bit of everything is to accomplish it - every bit absolutely controlled - pure theatre - because it does have to be played out - because the existing world system does have to be broken down for real before the desired 'Zionist-renovation' for Antichrist jewish-world-transformation [Isaiah 28:15 - link] can be achieved - because Tikkun - will not Olam itself; This post about that one-only plan  [post below links two posts - 1st on flag, 2nd Tikkun - they go together]:
On the Jewish flag. The Jewish/Israeli flag of today was not a thing of antiquity but was a product of the '1st Zionist Congress', which was held in 1897. This event apparently was the beginning of the outward political movement which would eventually establish the so-called modern state of Israel some 50 years later in 1948. The movement was born and the flag was born with it. From the beginning the flag was known as the Zionist flag. In 1948 this Zionist flag was officially adopted as the national flag of the newly reformed state of Israel. This brings up an interesting subject: Flags of nations always have significance to their design, and the design of the Jewish Zionist flag is no diferent:

The Zionist flag reveals the Zionist agenda. Hidden in plain sight - on a couple of levels. First level: The two blue stripes signifying the "promised land", referring to the biblical "promised land" of the Genesis 15 "Abrahamic Covenant", which is from river to river:

Genesis 15:18 'In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates'

From the River Euphrates to the Nile River in Egypt. The Jews have never possessed all the land, and they absolutely want it. They are saying exactly this with their flag...

River to River - read full post

There is nothing happening in the world today. Nothing at all. Other than it being a part of the above agenda. Know and understand this - you will know 'why' everything that is happening in this world today is happening. There is no "deep state'. No "Jesuits". The plan has been underway for a long time. It is now in the last phases. And, like the Jewish flag/star, it is completely, 'Antichrist'. Never forget that very important detail [Rev. 13:8-9]. Many related links on above page - all a part of the whole - follow links connect dots. Here is one of them (below) - the title is self-explanatory: Tikkun olam - which today is not called that openly but is the exact thing and being pushed on the world by a name that all have surely heard: the "Great Reset":

The Explanation Of Everything Happening In The World Today: "Tikkun Olam" The Jewish Conspiracy To Rule The World - From The Kabbalah ..In Their Own Words 4-12-22

Note above image [10-11-23] - very telling: Netanyahu has himself strategically placed between the 'two rivers'; note also that this is no unusual thing but is very typical - the Jewish-Zionist flag is always prominently displayed in virtually every instance when the cameras are on them. Once noticed seeing it endlessly becomes unavoidable. To their mind the symbology of their Zionist flag contains occult power - and keeping it before the eyes of the world is invoking that power over them. Kaballah 'magick' - it's what they do. Sorcery is the simple name for it. This world is run by it - and them, hard at it conjuring. Satanic it is - plain as day. [Rev. 17:1-2]; It's the world you live in - do be informed. [image source]


There is absolutely nothing else going on.

Rev. 18:4
Acts 7:43 'Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon'


Christsfreeservnt said...

In the "Christian" world today, most all seem to be buying into the idea that the Jewish nation is still biblical Israel, the Israel of God, his chosen people, the people of the Promise, and that we who are Christians are to give them our loyalty, devotion, and support.

And so we have many "Christians" who are standing with Israel against the Arab nations, convinced that what they are doing is biblical, and of God, and that it is the right thing to do, even to the point of crucifying (literally and/or figuratively) all who do not also stand with Israel (the Jews) in support of them and against the Arab Nations. Many professing Christians in America are quite passionate and even militant in defense of the Jewish nation.

So, the Lord gave me this to post on the internet today: Israel of God - In order to hold on to the belief that the Jewish nation is still God’s chosen people, his holy nation, and heirs of the Promise God gave to Abraham and to his seed, it is to ignore the teachings of
the New Testament and of the New Covenant God has made with his people Israel, comprised of all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Messiah (Jew and Gentile), who he made into one people, one nation, via God-given faith in Jesus Christ.

John 8:18-19,38-47; Romans 9:4-8; Romans 11:17-24; Galatians 3:16,26-29; Galatians 4:22-31; Ephesians 2:11-18; Ephesians 3:6; 1 John 2:22

Christsfreeservnt said...

Tom, thank you. I had not ever heard that before. I have always used Messiah and Christ interchangeably. I appreciate you letting me know that. I will definitely look into that.

tom m. said...

Need to point out one caution here in response - that being the use of the word "messiah"

Only used twice in the NT - both times corrected - that the proper designation was not to be 'messias' (messiah) but was/is to be (the) 'Christ' -- first time John 1:41 (Andrew); second time John 4:25 (woman at the well)

The replacing of 'Christ' with 'messiah' - so prevalent today - is another deception (and a very subtil one) of the judaizers

The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is not the 'messiah' of the Jews (*making it all about 'the jews') - he is the 'Saviour' of the world

- recommend reject use of the word 'messiah':

1 John 4:14 'And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world'