8-12-24 Blog notice: When the pillar of cloud is taken up it means time to go [Numbers 9:22]. Such is the case here. The cloud is gone up. Received notice about a week ago - very unexpectedly - that the rental agreement for my long-rented apartment was to be ended... and would have to be out by a certain date. As far as this Rev.18.4 blog goes this basically means having to now 'close up shop' for an indeterminate length of time, as have no further information at this point - where to, what next, etc.. Have already started the breaking down so little blog activity should be expected over the next few weeks or month. Down the road a bit further.. cannot now say. To all who read this - press on.  Rev18:4


Fake WWIII Script Zionists Turn Narrative To Iran As Gaza Takeover Continues April 2024 -- World Control Or Bust .. Script By Horus

This post a follow up on: 2018 Flashback Israel Formally Declares 'The Land For Jews Only' - 2023 Destroying Gaza Is Beginning The Process; It Is Zionism 10-23-26 -- 2023 Israel destroying Gaza - calling it a war -- It has begun .. To then control and rule all the earth and setup a 'worldwide jewish-kingdom' .. complete with false messiah i.e. the biblical Antichrist as their 'king' [link1; link2] - that's next on the to-do list..
Fake WW3 destroy-the-old-world-order replace it with the-Zionist-world-order [see: 2012] the script: April 2024 Zionist Gaza-takeover continuing on schedule but the very dramatic fake-news narrative is now turned also toward Iran. It is escalation of the overall plan, setting up for the next phase - a looming Iran/Israel confrontation. The hype is unprecedented but can't go by that. It is a production. Meticulously choreographed. There is a world to take over. When "it all goes down" cannot be determined. Could be anytime.. but more likely could still be years and just keep building to the final scene. The build up is conditioning. Conditioning the people to 'expect it' - so when the time to roll does come, well, they expected it. Go a lot smoother that way. At any rate the production is following the script and Iran is coming on stage next. US Israel Canada Russia China Iran Turkey etc. 'they' are all in on it together - and 'they' - those running the show - are all servants of 'Horus' i.e the Devil Satan [Rev. 12:9] - Zionists all - and be aware have no plan 'b' [Rom. 10:13] -- see below (reposted; w/vid):

[Reposted from 1-27-23:]  Scripted WW3 To Destroy Old Order To Rise New Zionist-World-Order - Jeep 2011 Call Of Duty - All In On It - By Horus

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/7J862eENqmZE/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


see: Prepping For Fake Gog-Magog WWIII Hoax -- Russia China etc. 5-7-15  "...one thing is certain - and that is that a massive worldwide deception is on the way...in terms of middle east warfare, ultimately finalizing in a fake Gog-Magog WWIII, prearranged to result in Israeli victory, allowing for a claim of divine-deliverance, to then be interpreted-to-the-world as evidence of the god-given right to rule the planet and mankind.."

also: original jeep-commercial post 11-25-11  "Finding the 'one-eyed-curse' kabbalist-globalist-calling-card in this commercial; a double-dose [4x] actually as mentioned above [0:28 & 0:40]; is not really necessary in order to identify this little piece of mind-manipulation as their deranged handiwork. The twisted theme of this Jeep Wrangler commercial leaves no doubt as to that fact. All the same, the eye is in there for a reason, and people need to be aware of it. That dark reason is found in their bible-of-kabbalism, and it has to do with getting into the subconscious minds of the unwary masses to, they believe, hypnotize and control them. To their mind it literally is a "hex". It is in reality all about sorcery. Kabbalism is sorcery... Learn to catch it and block it.. fyi One more thing, how long till they make this scenario happen for real? Be aware. It's a very dark world out there..."

Rev. 18:4
Habakkuk 2:12 'Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity!' [false zion]

4-15-24 update: Israel Exactly 911 Months Old Day Of Fake Iran Attack 4-13-24 - Message 911 When It All Changes Whole World This Time WW3 Sorcery

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