Russia Ukraine And The Zionist "Great Reset" - Numeorogy Ritual Scripted All In On It
As stated in the quote directly above..nothing Zionist-global-agenda ever happens apart from the script, and no part of the script is ever done without the kabala-numerology. That's the black-magic voodoo they-do in pre-planning global-agenda events long in advance and scheduling them for exact witchcraft days. Perfect example this latest supposed global-crisis the supposed Russian invasion of Ukraine, beginning on the date 2-24-22. Fascinating fact this date is exactly 7 years 7 weeks and 7 days [777] after the supposed-alleged shoot-down of the Boeing 777 Malaysian Air MH-17 [Flight 17] over Ukraine back on 7-17-14. 777 numerology all over it but that is not the only thing connecting these two events, there is also very evident symbology tying the whole thing together in dark ritual fashion, as this screenshot just below shows [source linked below]:
Note on logo the inner part is the trident - overall looks to be flying; screenshot source |
7 years 7 months 7 days |
Malaysian Air only airline with a Trident logo - like Ukraine |
The possibility of these events happening by random chance can be absolutely ruled out. This Russia-Ukraine 'global crisis' - aka WWIII threat to the world - is obviously as scripted as it gets: The only airline with a Trident logo is allegedly-supposedly shot down over Ukraine. Russia is blamed for it by the MSM [fact is that story was so full of anomalies it undoubtedly is fiction also - see: MH-17 Make Believe]. A Boeing 777 with a trident, numbered flight 17, on 7-17 [777] 2014 [2x7]. Ukraine Coat of Arms a trident. The 777 numerology connection with the 777 time period fulfilled on the exact day that Russia (supposedly) invades Ukraine. 777 is the number that signifies ordo-ab-chao in kabala sorcery by the way...