United Nations 2030 Agenda: President Obama Joins World Leaders To Commit to "Sustainable Development"
9-28-15 "President Barack Obama joined with world leaders Sunday to commit to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The adoption of the framework [link], announced at the United Nations General Assembly, means the U.S. will join other nations to eradicate extreme poverty and adopt sustainable policies with long-term impact...Over the next 15 years, the agenda aims to eradicate poverty and hunger, protect the environment, promote human rights and gender equality, empower women, strive for peaceful and inclusive societies and fight against inequalities. It is the culmination of two years of consultation and development."
Regardless of how the 'new' U.N. 2030 agenda for 'sustainability" is currently worded in this it's latest edition, it is without question unchanged in purpose from all previous editions. Subjugate the world is the one and only purpose from the first, through absolute micromanagement of the planet. The green-gospel of "sustainability" has been 'crafted' as the means to that end. By the creation of 'sustainability' guidelines - i.e. what is and what is not "sustainable", every facet of life on earth is to then be regulated. Every person, place, thing utterly controlled - within a global system. The end ultimately being the antichrist-Zionist kingdom-comers reigning as overlords of the earth. That's their grand scheme anyway - link.
All in all very simple to understand. The 'global serfdom' is to be herded into "sustainable communities" worldwide, given solar and fed bugs. Bugs? Bugs, for one example, are cheap to produce - no pastures, no irrigation (water), no heavy equipment, etc. [see list below]. Cheap is the key word - the entire motive. Cost management of the slave class. Part of the overall micromanagement plan. With that plan nothing will be overlooked. On that, below is a post from seven years ago - the 1995 U.N. list of 'unsustainables'. Nothing has changed. Recommend reading carefully and comprehending fully. All these things are to be literally done away with - so as to be replaced by the 'novus ordo seclorum'. Everything being done is to this end. Grasp the 'micromanage' concept and the real 'why' of the all-things-green agenda as well the other 'global issues' now being given a target date of 2030 (and beyond) become completely obvious:
Originally posted 4-7-08; on the relationship between the 1995 U.N. Biodiversity Assessment Report and a statement from a 1992 book by the infamous Al Gore on the need for what he termed a "wrenching transformation": "In his book, Earth in the Balance, Al Gore warned that a "wrenching transformation" must take place to lead America away from the "horrors of the Industrial Revolution." The process to do that is called "sustainable development"...[from: human lifestyle changes needed]
(4-7-08) "Wrenching transformation"?
On globalism and 'unsustainables'
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself just what sort of "human lifestyle changes" might 'the world' expect to experience if/when this "wrenching transformation", as described by Gore, begins to really be 'tightened down'? Well, have a look at the list below, and prepare to be in disbelief.
First, this quote taken from an article which is a brief synopsis of something called the U.N. "Biodiversity Assessment Report", which was published in November of 1995:
"The 1,140-page report is the most comprehensive analysis of the science of biological diversity ever attempted. Funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and by UNEP, this independent and peer-reviewed assessment is the work of over 1,500 scientists and experts from all parts of the world.": article
Secondly, below is an excerpt from another article which had been saved in some old files. The link is lost and 'a google' didn't turn it up, so take it for what it is worth. There is no valid reason though to question or doubt the accuracy because if you understand the 'sustainable' agenda (21) thoroughly, it fits perfectly. It would also explain perfectly why the word "wrenching" is used as an adjective to describe the now 'urgent' planned transformation of the world!
The author/researcher (below) has studied the 'U.N. Biodiversity Assessment Report' and from it has compiled what she called the "unsustainable list".....which basically means those things that, according to the report, will have to be "wrenched" away from people, because they are 'harmful to Mother earth'. This truly is what 'sustainable development' is about. Again, if not familiar with this, prepare to be in disbelief:
"RESEARCHER JEANNIE SODERMAN did a complete reading of the 1140 page “Biodiversity Assessment Report” that came out of Agenda 21. She noted that ICLEI, the International Committee of Local Environmental Initiatives is the group empowered to implement Agenda 21 worldwide. Soderman compiled a list of the things that were named “unsustainable” in the report.
Some of these are:
automobiles, modern farm production systems (no use of machines is allowed), irrigation, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, farmlands, rangelands, pastures, fish ponds, plantations, forestry, urbanization, impervious surfaces, fisheries, grazing of livestock, disturbance of the soil surface, large hoofed animals, industrial activities, plastic production, synthetic products, the use of machines, CFCs, technology improvements, natural gas production, cemeteries, sewers, drain systems, pipelines, private property, land use that serves human needs, human made caves of brick and mortar, concrete and steel, paved and tarred roads, highways and trails, railroads, floor and wall tiles, aquaculture, dams, reservoirs, straightening of rivers, power line construction, golf courses, scuba diving, modern hunting, picking of berries, ski runs, fossil fuels used for driving various types of machines, building materials, synthetic drugs, population growth, convenience foods. Soderman has a list in which each of these is page-referenced."
Very briefly, this is where the ideology intersects with the practical means for accomplishing the globalist agenda. The actual goal is not really the 'wonderful' so-called "sustainability" to "save the planet" as we are to believe, but rather ownership and control over every square inch of this planet. It is nothing less than a total and complete, massive "land grab", and this is to be accomplished through the guise of "environmentalism". Every square inch.
The 'beast' will own it all!
Gen. 11:3-4 'And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven'
Rev. 18:4
Keep going back to the Gospel for strength while studying prophecy and current events is hard but so necessary.
Tom, I remember reading a sermon by Horatius Bonar on your excellent website and thought you might like to know he was known as the prince of hymnists. In Great Britain and America nearly 100 of Dr. Bonar's hymns are in common use. https://hymnary.org/person/Bonar_Horatius
1 O love that casts out fear,
O love that casts out sin,
tarry no more without,
but come and dwell within.
2 True sunlight of the soul,
surround us as we go;
so shall our way be safe,
our feet no straying know.
3 Great love of God, come in!
Well-spring of heavenly peace,
thou living water, come:
spring up and never cease.
4 Love of the living God,
of Father and of Son,
love of the Holy Ghost,
fill thou each needy one.
Source: The Book of Praise #297
9 A little flock! ’Tis well, ’tis well;
Such be her lot and name;
Thro’ ages past it has been so,
And now ’tis still the same.
10 But the chief Shepherd comes at length;
Her feeble days are o’er,
No more a handful in the earth,
A little flock no more.
11 No more a lily among thorns;
Weary, and faint, and few,
But countless as the stars of heaven,
Or as the early dew.
12 Then entering the eternal halls,
In robes of victory,
That mighty multitude shall keep
The joyous jubilee.
13 Unfading palms they bear aloft,
Unfaltering songs they sing;
Unending festival they keep,
In presence of the King.
As a result of this susceptibility, and from habitual contemplation of the Second Advent as the era of this world's true bliss, his hymns and poems are distinguished by a tone of pensive reflection, which some might call pessimism.
But they are more than the record of emotion; another element is supplied by his intellectual and personal grasp of Divine truth, these truths particularly:
—The gift of a Substitute, our Blessed Saviour; Divine grace, righteous, yet free and universal in offer; the duty of immediate reliance upon the privilege of immediate assurance through that grace; communion with God, especially in the Lord's Supper, respecting which he insists on the privilege of cherishing the highest conceptions which Scripture warrants; and finally, the Second Advent of our Lord: by his vigorous celebration of these and other truths as the source and strength of spiritual life
I have trouble knowing what to call these people, zionist is the best but Jesus said the Synagogue of satan was those who say they are Jews but are not they do lie.
I don't want to blame the wrong people, most Jews seem like the porch brethren in Freemasonry who don't know what is going on in the building and before the internet due to the threats and murders it would be almost impossible to know. But the Catholic Church has forbidden members to belong to Freemasonry for a long time but some disobeyed.
[in response to above comment]
re: blaming the wrong people
While most jews are not the power brokers of the world, they as a whole are still without the Lord Jesus Christ. Judaism is talmudism, and actively opposes him. This is antichrist - 1 John 2:22; identifying the zionist movement and talmudic judaism is a necessary thing because unless this is done, to rightly understand what is happening in this world, and 'why', is impossible.
Doing this does not make anybody 'anti-jew' -- as the scripture tells us 'we wrestle not against flesh and blood' - Eph. 6:12 - 'but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places'
The LORD God will deal with the 'flesh and blood'. Principalities and powers, etc. these are the things that must be wrestled...
as for catholicism, freemason or not, the fact is everything about it is wrong. The catholic religion is against scripture in all aspects - and has been from it's beginning. The reality is it has the same antichrist spirit as every other non-scriptural world religion.
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