
1-Yr Flashback: Melania Trump Wears 'FLOTUS' Cap In Flooded Houston After Virtual-Hurricane Harvey; And 'Lane'

Below is excerpts from original post 8-30-17

[Houston] "Unprecedented, never before seen sudden destruction. Massive volumes of water - like what would happen if a dam or dams were suddenly opened - just appeared. "Hurricane Harvey" floods man-made i.e. purposely caused? -- Dams, reservoirs, levees, dikes, etc - water-control systems - can be allowed to flow, be restricted, be diverted all sorts of different ways, all the way down any particular system. "River-engineering" it is called..."

[8-30-17] Is Houston A Natural Flood - Or Has It Been Geoengineered? As Always The Answer Is Hidden In Plain Sight: Melania Trump Tells All With 'Float-Us' Cap

"Mrs. 777-Trump on the scene in flood-ravaged Houston sending a secret little message about what is really going on with "Harvey":

Just one of many photos as MT & DT made the rounds. Note
background w/flood map and "Record River Flooding" as
MT 'models' an in-your-face 'Float Us' mock - screenshot
Mocking the 'peasants'...har har laugh laugh look at all the little peons bobbing up and down in the flood waters in the streets of the city - what a scream."

'The above immediately brings to mind another major occasion where Melania Trump-it via her wardrobe was used to send another little secret message. It was the infamous 'Hunger Games/Harry Potter' Inaugural 'Blue Dress'. The message on that occasion was exactly the same message that has now been sent by the 'Float-us' cap - a very subtle little statement which can only be interpreted as intended to declare 'We be the 'elite' - you be not the elite you be the peasants':" [see @ link*]

"The very subtle little message of the FLOTUS-cap also reveals everything needed to know about the true cause of the never-before-seen destruction of a major U.S. city via 'flood'. Hidden In Plain Sight clues is how the ZKK (zio-kingdom-kome) Kabbalah-Boys always sign their handiwork, and the clues always tell the truth."

*see full post; related links
Isaiah 59:19 'So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him'


Above directly related to: 8-26-18 Fake-Cane Lane: Honolulu Mayor Calls 'Hurricane Lane' An "Exercise" After It Does Impossible U-Turn [MSM Virtual Storm] "The new precedent now is hurricanes that can do anything - stop, go, turn right, turn left, u-turn, intensify, weaken, speed up, slow-down, flood out any place, all of it at will, and then vanish. This was just demon-strated to the world. It's the new hurricane-norm. Be aware."


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/gSwtKb6dF3Sf/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


[so-called hurricane Lane made worldwide news for a week. It too was "unprecedented" and "never before seen" and as it turned out this was due to it being in reality only a 'virtual' - existing only on TV - hurricane... (see post, above video)]

Rev. 18:4

2-Yr. Flashback: Hidden In Plain Sight G20 Meets in Hangzhou (Hangs-You) China - 1st UN2030 Implementation

Below excerpted from original post 9-4-16

[9-4-16] G20 Meets in 'Hangs-You' (Hangzhou) China To Tighten Zio-Kingdom-Come Noose On World -- Implement UN2030

"G20 Hangzhou summit opens, starting new journey for world's future growth... It is also the first time that the G20 has an action plan for implementing the 2030 Agenda [link] for Sustainable Development..."

G20 'Hangs-You' Summit to build the Zio-kingdom of the Beast on Earth Sept. 4-5, 2016
"September 4-5, 2016 the so-called G20 aka ZNWO holds two-day summit in 'Hangs-You'. Is there not an obvious hidden-in-plain sight little-message in the choice of location? Most important thing to note about this 2016 G20 may be that this year for the first time ever the issue of implementing the so-called "2030 Sustainable Development" scheme is in fact "front and center". Which name most by now certainly know is a pathetic euphemism for the true 'nature of the beast' - namely the micromanaged dictatorial global regulatory system being zio-constructed [see link below] for the sole purpose of exercising absolute control over every person place and thing on the earth...by 2030. Note from the below article the G20-ers now have an "action plan" -- The real zio-globalist goal for all the 'commoners' of the planet?

The photo makes it very clear does it not: G20 'Hangzhou'..." [full post]

Ezekiel 21:27 'I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.'  [the true Christ, the Lord and Saviour Jesus, not the false christ, the anti]

Rev. 18:4


MSM CGI Virtual-Storms: Honolulu Mayor Calls 'Hurricane Lane' An "Exercise" After It Does Impossible U-Turn

MSM Virtual Storm:


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/gSwtKb6dF3Sf/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


This post-video related to: "Hurricane Harvey (Steve?) 'Unprecedented' Flooding Geoengineered? Agenda 21 Dream Come True" 8-28-17

"A thing can be 'unprecedented' only once. After that one time, the 'precedent' has been set. After that happens, a thing can become 'normalized'. Super-floods wiping out geographical areas including major cities - seen it before haven't you - no surprise then next time, and the time after that, and the time after that. Happens all the time - climate change you know ...the Zio-A21 would-be world-redesigners will say.

Dams, reservoirs, levees, dikes, etc - water-control systems - can be allowed to flow, be restricted, be diverted all sorts of different ways, all the way down any particular system. "River-engineering" it is called. Constructed so as to allow the directing of any desired amount of water wherever the 'river-engineers' want it, or need it, to go. Flood location 'X' on demand? Pull a few levers, push a few buttons - presto - how much water you want.

MSM does the rest. 50" (or more) rain? ...6pm news coming right up."


The new precedent now is hurricanes that can do anything - stop, go, turn right, turn left, u-turn, intensify, weaken, speed up, slow-down, flood out any place, all of it at will, and then vanish. This was just demon-strated to the world. It's the new hurricane-norm. Be aware.

And it is the same everytime. MSM CGI [exists only on TV] "unprecedented storm of the century" hype everybody evacuate your life is at stake... unprecedented unprecedented just like last time and the time before that and the other 185 unprecedented times over the last so-many years...

CGI 'virtual storms' (routine storms made out to be 'the monster beast' etc. by CGI i.e. 'computer generated images'), but coming with very real destruction. - cui bono? Answer: nwo Agenda 21 rewilders/land grabbers..every time

Rev. 18:4


University Forces Echo Dots In All Dorm Rooms No Opt-Out; And AI Hoax - Not Artificial But Supernatural Intelligence

A university is outfitting living spaces with thousands of Echo Dots

[excerpted] Soon, Saint Louis University students won’t be able to avoid Amazon’s near ubiquitous smart speakers. The university announced this week a plan to outfit living spaces with 2,300 Echo Dots. The devices are set to be deployed by the time classes start, later this month.

SLU is quick to note that it’s “the first college or university in the country to bring Amazon Alexa-enabled devices, managed by Alexa for Business, into every student residence hall room and student apartment on campus.

[as for]...privacy concern...The company addressed those issues...:

"...This system is not tied to individual accounts and does not maintain any personal information for any of our users, so all use currently is anonymous"

The school notes that students can also mute the microphone. Students can’t technically opt-out, but they can unplug the product and shove it in a drawer, turning it in at the end of the year.

Big Brother listening devices mandatory for university dorm rooms: "students won't be able to avoid... every student residence hall room and student apartment on campus ...can't opt out" ...but don't worry about a thing student even though you will be forced to have the listening device in your room because it's usage is "currently anonymous".

Currently anonymous? The wording of that strongly intimates anonymity as a temporary condition. And forced compliance strongly intimates non-innocuous intentions. It can only go one way. If it is being done in one place without doubt the plan is to take to many others, eventually, all tied into a system...which would be anything but anonymous...obviously.

People interacting with, controlled by in other words, artificial intelligence or "AI". Biggest problem with this, and there are many [link] - but the life or death dangerous one - is that the "intelligence" people are being prepped to interact with is not artificial at all but is actually very real. Not artificial...but supernatural intelligence.

The so-called Singularity* - massive hoax.

Intelligence requires life. Life begets life. Lifeless technology can never become "self aware" or 'alive'. Supernatural entities i.e. devils [Eph. 6:12] using the lie of "AI" to accomplish their intentions - taking possession of humans - is another story though.

That story is the story "currently" unfolding on the planet. Really now, why do you suppose they want so badly for you to get on board with a talking computer device? And then to become dependent on it?

That's right. Possess you one day (aka 666).

The AI hoax is no game. As seen though, the push is now becoming a shove. Know all about it.

Rev. 18:4
*compare: AMD Ryzen, Vega, Wraith - Message In The Names: Rise Of The 'Fallen Star', Man Becoming God - The 'Singularity' 3-26-17
Ephesians 6:12 'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places'


Illuminati Trump Card "Enough Is Enough" - 2018 All A Conspired Scripted False Reality One More Proof


Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/9XurFXI7qlNz/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


Enough-is-Enough? - as in Drain-The-Swamp,
Make-America-Great-Again? Deck stacked,
cards marked...a rigged game from way back

Related to: Trump Putin Kim etc. They're all In On It Together 7-12-17

Rev. 18:4

*7-16-24 Trump Card update: Trump 'Illuminati Card' Foretells 7-13-24 Fake Shooting --- 2024 RNC Opening Night Announces "Novus Ordo Seclorum" Is Here With 'Illuminati Symbology' Display [Pics]

See aslo: Trump Illuminati Card New Discoveries: It's a 'Sniper' Card And Shows the Streaking Bullet -- Just Like the Famous Trump Picture

Psalms 2:2-4 'The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision'

Girls Not Allowed To Be Girls: Miss Germany Pageant Follows Miss America - Bikinis/Swimwear Now Banned

Bye bye bikini: Miss Germany follows US to kill ‘swimwear’ category

[excerpted] Contestants in the Miss Germany beauty pageant will no longer strut their stuff in skimpy bikinis, as organizers will remove the ‘swimwear’ category. Organizers say the contest will now focus on “personality.”

"We want to turn Miss Germany into a personality," said pageant CEO Max Klemmer. "For that, the bikini was not very relevant." Contestants will now pose in more modest ‘summer outfits’ instead, from next year’s contest onwards. The new rules apply to men too. “Mister Germany” will sacrifice its swimwear category in favor of a jeans-and-shirt section.

Klemmer’s decision follows the lead of Miss America’s organizers, who eliminated the swimsuit category earlier this year. Instead of showing off their bodies in revealing bikinis, contestants will show off their wits, intelligence, and “talk about their social-impact initiatives.”

Above related to: 'Miss America' Ends Swimsuits, Evening Gowns: Now To Be Miss 'Baphomet-World-Order' America ...Date/Time A '666' 6-5-18  "Gender expression/identity - whatever you say - so it is - don't worry about anything you too can be the next 'Miss America'. Don't even have to shave your beard if you don't want to -- Obviously a so-called 'female-identifying' bio-male could never pull off a bikini w/heels on the big stage without inducing a collective gag-reflex from viewers nationwide so that has to go...and of course can't have the traditional evening gown competition because that is just soooo gender stereotypical which is to say waaaay too feminine - and feminine, like masculine, is of course a mortal enemy to androgyny and trannyism which is what it is all about in the new-baphomet-world-order and plainly we can't have all those real girls exuding all that horrible real femininity all over the place that wouldn't be fair so clearly all of that just has to go..." [see post]

Rev. 18:4
9-11-18 follow up: Is The New 'Miss' America Nia "I-MAN"-i Franklin A Transgender? - If It's A Man Body It's A Man


Los Angeles First In Nation Mandates Full-Body Scans For Metro Transit System - Roaming Sniffer-Bots Next

Los Angeles is first in US to install subway body scanners

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Los Angeles’ subway will become the first mass transit system in the U.S. to install body scanners that screen passengers for weapons and explosives, officials said Tuesday.

The deployment of the portable scanners, which project waves to do full-body screenings of passengers walking through a station without slowing them down, will happen in the coming months, said ...the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s law enforcement division.

The machines...can detect suspicious items from 30 feet (9 meters) away and have the capability of scanning more than 2,000 passengers per hour.

On Tuesday...officials demonstrated the new machines, which are being purchased from Thruvision, which is headquartered in the United Kingdom.

Signs will be posted at stations warning passengers they are subject to body scanner screening. The screening process is voluntary...but customers who choose not be screened won’t be able to ride on the subway.

In addition to the Thruvision scanners, the agency is also planning to purchase other body scanners — which resemble white television cameras on tripods — that have the ability to move around and hone in on specific people and angles, Wiggins said.

Above is related to: Security Robots That Confront People Being Tested At LaGuardia Airport NY - Privately Funded; Dystopia Now 5-5-18 "'The robot rolls right up to people and stops. Just looking at it, you know it’s a security robot. It says so. It has four cameras, microphones and sensors...' -- Physical bots that confront people, all the while collecting data from every person in an area, which obviously can be used to ID them - including no doubt facial recognition - is the stuff of a futuristic sci-fi totalitarian dystopian society. On that, note especially as reported in the above article, these bots at LaGuardia [JFK] airport in NY are "privately funded". Privatized control of the public - in other words. Clearly, as the videos show, the 'futuristic' world that the private would-be dictatorial overlords of John Q. Public envision is already begun. Be well aware..." [see post, videos]

Sniffer-bot scanning you against the Zio Police State databank

Just three months ago NY La Guardia airport began rolling out robots that roll up and invade the personal space of people [see link above]. And absolutely do not miss that part about 'Privately Funded'. And now Los Angeles doing the same thing with the LA mass transit system. "Thruvision" scanners they are called. No doubt named appropriately - Burning an x-ray right 'thru' you as you walk down the corridor. In addition to this new mandatory x-ray scan to ride the system, an even more sinister control mechanism is to be deployed soon according to the above report - rolling tripod-camera bots roaming at will throughout the terminals - without a doubt scanning every possible thing on any person at any time up close and personal. Sniff sniff sniff hey this thing keeps following me...

Robot Police State here and now. Without question the agenda is to spread it everywhere from airports to transit systems to stadiums to malls to...everywhere. Totalitarian world is the deluded dream [link] of the deluded dreamers trying to piece this thing together. The devil the father of lies is the deluder they are listening to and taking orders from [John 8:44]. Big mistake*. Anyway it's this far so far. Know about it all.

Rev. 18:4
*Deut. 32:5 'They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a perverse and crooked generation'


Alleged 'Holy Fire' Starter A 'Conspiracy Nut' Says MSM - A21 To 9/11 To Return Of LORD And Alex Jones Fan Oh My

Suspect behind massive California wildfire was steeped in conspiracies

[excerpted] From 9/11 to QAnon, there appears no conspiracy theory too strange for Forrest Clark -- Southern California’s Holy Fire, sparked on Monday, has already scorched more than 18,000 acres as of Friday morning and forced over 20,000 residents to flee.

Now, authorities have identified the man suspected of igniting the massive blaze...51-year-old Forrest Gordon Clark...he appears to have a lengthy history of mental illness.

JJ MacNab, who covers anti-government extremism for Forbes, first identified Clark’s Facebook profile.

...Clark recently started pushing messaging around “QAnon,” a bizarre theory that a global Deep State network is trying to bring down President Donald Trump in order to further their nefarious aims ... Likewise, Clark appeared to be a fan of Alex Jones and InfoWars, which were recently banned by platforms like Apple and Facebook.

Among the most popular theories Clark promoted on social media: notions that tragic events like the 9/11 attacks and the Sandy Hook shooting were “false flags.”

For good measure, Clark also pushed other Deep State-style conspiracy theories, including Agenda 21 — which claims the United Nations will effectively eliminate Americans’ sovereign rights... wrote on Facebook that he “will see the soon Coming of our LORD in the Clouds of Glory!”, posted late last year that the fires in California were direct evidence that Agenda 21 was afoot...that the fires show that “we’re seeing Agenda 21 in action,” adding that “Agenda 21 is here.”

Forest-fire starter Forrest nabbed by McNab

Novus-ordo-seclorumites clearly on the offensive taking it to a brand new extreme. Hitting on every possible point. Sandy Hook to 9/11 to Agenda 21 to the second coming, and more, and tying it all into mental health...and Alex Jones.

Alex Jones, by the way, is 'one of them'. The controlled opposition. All the recent censorship drama with him did exactly what it was intended to do - set the precedent for shutting down the "conspiracy nuts"
. And looky now folks, with perfect timing, right off the pages of the script, comes a conspiracy-crazed Alex Jones disciple foaming at the mouth going on about something called 'Agenda 21' and starting firenados...just like the ones all-of-a-sudden burning towns off the map around the globe. What's an Agenda 21 anyway Ma...

Note: According to above article forest-fire starter named "Forrest" was first identified, or 'nabbed', by an "anti-government extremist" watchdog named McNab. Forrest the forest-fire starter nabbed by McNab. Comical.

The entire script really is comical...except that it is not because the destruction is massive and real and clearly the overall 'nwo' agenda is progressed to the point where a very real offensive directed at (drum roll) "anti-government extremists" is now going front and center.

Be fully informed. The 'theory' days are over.

This post a follow up on: CA 'Holy Fire'...Shekinah Tikkun Olam Unholy; Agenda 21 'Smart-Fire' Burn-Down Program A 'Burnt Offering'..? 8-10-18
11-14-18 follow up: A21 Burn-Down: Fake-'Firenado' Fires Caused By DEW? - Or Maybe Flamethrowers And 'Sticky Fuel' - Videos, Pics

Rev. 18:4

CA 'Holy Fire'...Shekinah - Tikkun Olam Unholy; Agenda 21 'Smart-Fire' Burn-Down Program A "Burnt Offering"..?

updated 8-12-18*  Agenda 21 'smart-fire burn down' disappearing communities around the world...and now comes one 'they' have named the "Holy Fire". Outwardly of course the name is due to the name of the little town named 'Holy Jim', in Holy Jim Canyon, near where the fire is said to have started. Naming it the Holy Fire though here is where the reality is made plain, and that purposely, that to the mysterious global smart-fire engineers ...this is all 'fun and games'. 'Holy fire' to the Kabbalist Jews is what they call the 'Shekinah' [link]. The word is not found in scripture. It comes from the Kabbalah. It to them represents the 'Divine presence' in the tabernacle and elsewhere.

[* Holy Fire. Moses at the burning bush that was not consumed [Ex. 3:2], and the LORD descending in fire upon Mt. Sinai at the giving of the 10 commandments [Exodus 19:18] are examples of the concept of the 'Divine presence' as 'Holy Fire'. Another important aspect to understand here, evidently applicable to current events, would be the use of 'Holy Fire' to burn sacrifices as required in the OT Jewish religious system: When the construction of the first Jewish tabernacle was completed, after coming out of Egypt, the Levitical priesthood was then instituted to perform the sacrifices. A momentous day..."And there came a fire out from before the LORD" ...which consumed the sacrifice [Lev. 9:24], and the OT Jewish religious system began. This (sacred) 'holy fire' come down from heaven ignited by God was never to go out. It was to be used for the 'burnt offerings' [Lev. 6:12-13].

Burning sacrifices with 'holy fire'. The world is now witnessing the ritual. Burning-up the old-world with shekinah-fire sacrificially as a "burnt offering" to the kabbalah-god - who is the god of this world Satan - to rise his new Antichrist kingdom from the ashes. Tikkun olam it is called. see also: 2012 Olympics]   

Not going to delve into this any further here but the bottom line of it 'Shekinah' [holy fire] is actually code for Lucifer. Understand this much, and the 'holy fire' aspect, and the whole thing becomes very obvious. The fact is burning down the 'old order' and calling it "Holy Fire" actually fits the Kabbalist mindset perfectly - it is what they call "tikkun olam" - which in kabbala-speak is said to mean 'repair the world' [see link below*].

But back to the current event in CA - the Agenda 21 burn-down - perfectly exampled by the little town of Holy Jim that is about to be extinguished from the face of the planet:

Holy Jim, devastated by fire, faces specter of vanishing forever

For the residents of Holy Jim, a tract of more than 40 cabins deep in the Cleveland National Forest, the destruction is about more than losing possessions, a secluded vacation spot, or property. It is about the specter of 150 years of history lost, about a community that dates to the 19th century joining its Civil War founders as a relic of the past.

“A lot of people I’ve spoken to say they want to rebuild,” said Mike Milligan, the chief of the Holy Jim Volunteer Fire Department and the community’s de-facto patriarch. “But it’s up to the discretion of the Forest Service.”

And it’s unclear – if not unlikely – whether the federal agency would allow them to rebuild. Holy Jim is in a federally designated flood plain... The most recent map, created in 2014 – federal officials enlarged the flood plain to encompass all of Holy Jim. And under federal law, any structure in a flood plain that gets destroyed can’t be rebuilt.


Still the ONLY Gospel: Nothing...But The Blood Of Jesus Romans 3:25  [Piano]

Hebrews 10:4 'For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins'

What Can Wash Away My Sin

Author: Robert Lowry (1876)

1. What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

O precious is the flow
that makes me white as snow;
no other fount I know;
nothing but the blood of Jesus.

2. For my pardon this I see:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this my plea:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

3. Nothing can for sin atone:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Naught of good that I have done:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

4. This is all my hope and peace:
nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness:
nothing but the blood of Jesus. [Refrain]

Romans 3:25 'Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God'


Stack And Pack: When Agenda 21 Turns Your Neighborhood Into A "Sustainable City" - Rancho Cucamonga CA  [Video]


[2018]  Agenda 21 on your block. Note [1:20] "High-Density Development" is what they call it; Stack and Pack is the coined phrase; note especially [1:35] "little to no parking" - this of course means the large number of people living there will not have cars. Stack and pack no cars is the 'Planned-opolis' [2nd link below]

Compare: Agenda 21 What Exactly Do They Want To Take Away From The Sheeple-Minions - The 'List' [UN 1995; From 2008]

and: "Planned-opolis" - Globalism Is Communitarianism And Privatization - To Be Alive And Well Under Trump; Blue Zones 12-8-16 "...Ultimately, globalism, in the final practical outworking, will come down to two things. Those two things are communitarianism, and privatization... Communitarianism: community-based global management. Herd all sheep-cattle into managed communities worldwide... [and] Privatization... [meaning] ...they, the would-be masters of the 'sheep-cattle' - Trump now the icon [link] - own everything, the 'sheeple' minions cattle goyim [link]...own nothing..."

The whole world...is the only plan...666. Your neighborhood already scheduled...for either what is seen in above video...or...for elimination [see: A21 'Smart' Fires]. A third option is not total elimination but Stack-and-Pack rebuild following a A21 Geo-Attack [see: Santa Rosa CA].

Rev. 18:4


A21 Geo-Attack Stunning Video: DEW-Laser 'Smart' Fires Surgical Precision Obliterating Communities Worldwide

This post a follow up on: MSM Brainwash Campaign To Explain Impossible 'Wildfire' Destruction Has Begun - "Firenadoes" Say They 7-28-17 "Impossible fire destruction. Can a 'wildfire' strike with surgical precision ...as plain as anything can be...there is nothing in any way random about how these fires are burning - it literally is a surgical precision... Yes the fires have a mind of their own, they can Do Anything, they burn down all the houses and stay within property lines..." -- The world is under open attack, by the globalist cartel - who else, like nothing ever seen. Flooding out, fire, bombearthquake, to volcano, to tsunami bomb, name it. Live in an A21 target zone? Definitely be absolutely aware - and being proactive however could potentially need be - might be a good idea. What has begun is far from over - fact is it is only getting moreso by the day..." [see post, videos]
Below video is stunning. Absolutely impossible fire destruction - naturally occurring that is. Beside the obvious untouched trees, grass, note also brush on surrounding hills is not even singed. Everything appears to be reduced to fine white ash. This is incineration. Open air fires do not incinerate. The burn is also absolutely uniform...indicative of a thing systematic. Systematic - a repeatable action that always returns the same result. The result seen in below video is exactly the same result now being seen in burned down communities worldwide. This fact leaves only one possible conclusion, namely this: induced burning-of-entire-communities, home by home, systematically, with precision. Geo-attack against the 'common' people of the planet is what that interpreted means.

That it is in fact so blatantly obvious that there is nothing in any way 'wild' about the fires now burning Agenda21 target zones across the planet leaves again only one possible conclusion - which is that clearly the perpetrators consider themselves untouchable*:

[video location not stated by producer - seems to be Northern Cal maybe Santa Rosa; recommend view full screen - have to go to site though - watch to end: vidlink 6:30 min.

Video embed code [adjust height/width as needed]:

<iframe src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/0B73baAnx4Rq/" width="550" height="309"</iframe>


   [Above video producer unknown - original vanished - account 'terminated'. But, there was a backup]

Whether it is actually DEW-lasers or perhaps something like flame-throwers [see vid below - and highlighted link at bottom] with military-grade accelerants, and drones either way, is just not knowable. What is knowable though is that there is no such thing as a 'smart' fire. Compare:


Audio-Vid: 'A Treatise Of Earthly Mindedness' By Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646) - A Great Sin; Original, Unedited; 1/3

[video restored; very much improved audio]
Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646) - one of the 'Puritans' - well regarded in his day, by his writings is still today. Very few audio resources of Jeremiah Burroughs online, or printed in readable text format even. This particular audio in it's original unedited form as it is here is nowhere else to be found. There is one partial-recording of JBurroughs 'Earthly Mindedness' on YT but it has been 'modernized'...which is to say...stripped of it's essence. The writings of Burroughs are a treasure. Very practical, very applicable, and depending on the hearer, may be very impactful. This particular work 'A Treatise of Earthly-mindedness' - 'Who Mind Earthly Things' is widely considered a classic. Well worth the effort, time.

It is done with a robo-voice - MS 'David' - slightly speeded up tone slightly lowered - very 'listenable to'. Note: Does not have to be listened to all at once. Carefully listening to it in parts can be a good way to go. And, repeated hearing is always best. *Also, clicking gear icon on video the speed can be set to 1.25 speed - which can be good for very quick listening.  [Part 1 of 3 - 33:53].

Note: the images for the video is the original table of contents, showing chapter titles and subtitles. Helpful to follow. It has two columns. Note that the table of contents is a few pages but this video being 1st of 3 it is all on one page. Ch. 1 of course starts on the left column [2:52] and will scroll down as the video progresses through chapter 2. When the left column reaches the bottom of the page the page will then go back up and change to the (top) right column and show the last part of Ch. 2.

Below video in scrolling window is the unedited text for these first two chapters retaining the original spelling and punctuation.


Chapters 1 and 2 from Jeremiah Burroughs book entitled 'A Treatise Of Earthly Mindedness'; original unedited

Philip. 3. latter part of the 19th verse - 'Who Mind Earthly Things'

Ch. I - Intro - Difference Between a Wicked man and a Godly man, one minds the Earth the other, his Conversation is in Heaven ~ 5 Things to be treated of

Ch. II - 9 Particulars of Earthly-Mindednesse


A TREATISE OF Earthly-mindedness.

CHAP. I. The Text Opened.

PHILIP. 3. latter part of the 19. verse.

—Who mind Earthly things.


There is a great difference between a wicked man and a godly man, The one minds the Earth the other, his Conversation is in Heaven

THIS precious Scripture cleerly holds forth the different disposition of wicked and of godly men; especially of such wicked men, as set themselves against the Gospel; for it relates to such as were professed enemies to the Cross of Christ, that labored what they could to hinder the success of the Ministry of Paul. You shall find if you look back a few verses, that this is meant of those kind of men especially, for he tells us, that many walk'd so, as they were enemies to the Cross of Christ: they were those that opposed the preaching of Paul, and his Ministry: and he describes those men what they were by divers Characters, but I'le treat of none but this, Who mind Earthly things.

Who mind Earthly things; who savour, or relish Earthly things, so you may translate the word as well. It is a general word comprehending the actions and operations, both of the understanding and will: It is in Scripture applied to both, but most commonly to the Actions of the will and affections; we are particular in Actions of the Will.

Earthly things: The things that are upon the Earth, whatsoever they be, the Beauty, the Glory, and Pagentry of the Earth; the Profits that are Earthly, the Pleasures and Honors of the world; who mind any things inordinatly that are sublunary accommodations. But we carry and behave our selves as free Denizens of the City of Heaven; for so the words in the Original are, if we should thus reade them: Our City whereof we are Citizens, and whereunto we have right, is Heaven.

But our Conversation, our City Converse, it is of things that are above the earth: when the Apostle would have men to follow their example and not the example of others, in the 17. verse, he uses this as an Argument, saith he, such and such men are enemies to the Cross of Christ, and they make their belly their god, and they mind Earthly things: do not follow them, do not hearken what they say to you, they come up and down from house to house, and whisper this and that to you, and would take you off from the ways of God, God hath begun to enlighten you, and to stir your consciences, do not let the precious affections of your souls run waft towards them, but be ye followers of us as we are of Christ; for our Conversation is in Heaven with our Lord and Master, there comes in the Argument in the 20. verse. So that being the only scope and meaning of the words, take this Doctrinal Truth.

That this is the great difference between a wicked man and a godly man; one minds Earthly things: and the other hath his Conversation in Heaven. I intend to handle both these in order.

One of these minds Earthly things: It is a paralel Scripture that we have in the 8. to the Rom. 5. verse, For they that are after the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh. Do mind, there is the same word, only here the Participle, and there in the Verb, but the meaning is the same, as they that are after the Earth, mind Earthly things: so they that are after the flesh savours fleshly things: the first part of this point, is the discription of wicked men, that are enemies to the crosse of Christ, and to the waies of godliness, and they are men that mind Earthly things, the more grosse of them are described before, To have their bellies to be their god, some of them are very sensual, drunken, unclean, and altogether given to satisfie the flesh in fleshly lusts: But there are others that do not appear to be so brutish, yet they are men of earthly minds, savour only of earthly things, and these are the men that are secret enemies to the crosse of Christ, yea, and will many times appear so to be, it will break out at length: Such a man whose spirit hath been earthly for a long time, will appear at length to be an enemy to Christs crosse. Now in the handling of this point, I will propound these Five things to treat of.

First. What it is to mind earthly things in a sinfull way: or thus, When a man may be said to be an Earthly-minded man, that we may know when a man is an Earthly-minded man, what it is to mind Earthly things, that the Apostle here describes a wicked man by. Without the opening of this, all that I shall say afterwards will be but to little purpose.

Secondly. The great evil that there is in minding of Earthly things: and I shall discover to you a greater evil in it than you are aware of.

Thirdly. Lay down some Convincements whereby those men and women that (it may be) think they are cleer from this sin, yet may have it discovered unto their consciences, that they are the men and women that do mind Earthly things.

Fourthly. I shall search into the Reason, Why it is that the hearts of men and women are so much after Earthly things.

Fifthly. I shall labour to take off your hearts from Earthly things. These are the Five things that are to be done in the first part of the point, Namely, the Character of wicked men here laid down, Who mind Earthly things. For the first. Who they are, that mind Earthly things. Certainly, they are not all those that enjoy earthly things; all men that do make use of earthly things, must not be condemned for minding earthly things. Paul himself in this very Epistle, where he wrote to these Philippians, chap. 4. vers. 12. Though he knew how to want, yet he knew how to abound: he could tell how to make use of earthly things, yea, and he gives charge, That all those that are instructed should make such as had instructed them partakers of all their goods. It may be, they would have said, is not this, To mind Earthly things? To require those that are instructed, to make those that did instruct them partakers of all their goods: Paul doth charge this. Yea, and Christ himself, even in that Scripture where he does labor most to take the thoughts of men off from the earth; as not to take any thought, what they should eat, or drink, yet saith he, Your heavenly Father knows that yea have need of these things in the 6. of Matthew: and Gal. 6. 6. Let him that is taught in the Word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things: and if there be any pretence against it, yet saith he, be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Thus therefore it is not here charged, as a note of an evil man, to have earthly things, and doth justly require what is due unto him, as here Paul doth; and the Galatians could not charge him, as breaking his own Rule which he wrote to the Philippians; and therefore we must enquire out somwhat else that's here meant, by minding earthly things. When a man or woman doth mind earthly things in a sinful way, And for that there are these several particulars considerable.


CHAP. II. Earthly-mindedness discovered in Nine particulars.

THE first is this,

When a man looks upon earthly things as the greatest things of all, when he hath a high esteem of earthly things, as THE things: as thus, Oh if I had such and such things as others have, Oh how happy should I be, how happy are such and such men that do enjoy such earthly things at their will, in their dwellings, their furniture, their comings in, Oh these are the brave things, these are the delightful things, these are THE things wherein felicity and happiness doth consist. When men shall promise to themselves felicity in any earthly things, then they mind earthly things. I remember golden mouth'd Chrysostom hath a speech of a covetous man, That he looks upon his Money, and he sees more beauty in his Money than in the very Sun it self that shines in the Firmament: When men look upon the things of the earth as the most beautiful things in their eyes: Certainly that man is in a distemper, when he puts such a high esteem upon any earthly things, this esteem is not according to what God and his Saints do put upon earthly things, God never puts any great eminencie on any earthly thing; he never made any earthly things to be any great Conduit, or means of Conveyance of any great good from himself unto his Creature; If you would know what your hearts are, you may know it by this one sign as much as any What do you account your excellencie? according to what any man or woman accounts their excellency to consist in, so are their hearts, their hearts are sutable; in the 27. chap. of Genesis, 28. 39. verses. You shall find there Issac blessing of Jacob and Esau, he blesses them both: but now, what I would observe is this, the difference in the placing of them, you shall observe, the blessing of Jacob in the 28. verse, therefore God giveth of the dew of Heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and plenty of Corn and Wine, that's Jacob's blessing: Now look to Esau's blessing, for the blessing was sutable to their disposition, and Jacob's father answered and said unto him, behold thy dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of Heaven from above: mark, Isaac blesses them both with the dew of Heaven and fatness of the earth; but now, in Jacob's blessing the dew of Heaven is first, and the fatness of the earth is in the second place; but in Esau's blessing the fatness of the earth is first, and then the dew of Heaven: noting this, That a godly man indeed, doth stand in need of the things of the earth, as Christ saith, your father knows you stand in need of this things; I but the great thing in the first place that a godly heart doth mind, it ts, The dew of Heaven, and then in the second place, The blessing of the earth; But now, a carnal heart doth think it hath some need of the things of Heaven, it will acknowledge that: I but in the first place it's the fatness of the earth they desire: and secondly the dew of Heaven, So that that's the first thing: Earthly minded men look upon these things as the high and chief things, and hence it is that the choise of the thoughts of an earthly-minded man is carried out on worldly objects.


When the Cream and choise of the thoughts of men and women are busied about earthly things then they mind earthly things in a sinful manner: You may know what your hearts are by your thoughts as much as any thing, the thoughts are the immediate ebulitions or risings up of the heart (as I may so call them) that is the bubbles that come from the heart immediately; a man cannot know what is in his heart so much by words and actions, as by the thoughts, because the thoughts immediately spring from the heart, as thus, I can tell what the water is in such a fountain better from that that bubbles up immediately from the fountain-head, than I can tell by the water that runs in the stream a mile or two off, for there may many things intervene in the stream a mile or two off that never came from the fountain-head, but that that immediately bubbles from the fountain-head, that discovers of what nature the fountain is: So the thoughts are as it were the first born of the heart, and therefore the heart may be known what it is by the thoughts, Prov. 23. 7. saith the holy Ghost there, As he thinketh in his heart, so is he; That which is here spoken in a particular case may be applied in the general, As a man thinks in his heart so is he, as his thoughts are so is he: So is the heart as the thoughts of the mind are, Men may keep in words and actions out of by respects, I but if you could know what the heart is, and look into the haunts of it in secret, that would discover to your selves what you are: as now, Many of your servants, when they are in your presence before you or before others they may out of divers respects carry themselves fairly, but if you would find them out, labour to know what they do when they are alone in their private haunts: So, would you know your own hearts? do not so much look at them, and take a scantling of them by how you behave your selves in words and actions before others, but what they are in your private chambers, what they are in the inward thoughts of the mind, there the heart comes to be discovered most; And by these thoughts I do not mean every kind of injection, or suggestion, for sometimes the Devil may cast in evil thoughts into the most holy; but I mean such thoughts as are sweet to the soul, whereby the soul comes to suck out sweetness, and contentment, for that's the minding earthly things, when you find the strength of your thoughts to be upon the things of the earth: and they are more sutable to your hearts than any other:

It is not when through weakness the mind may be wandring this way or that way, or through suggestions or temptations; but now, when men or women are most themselves when alone and free, then for to examine what are the most sutable thoughts to their hearts, Can you say when you are alone, Oh the very thoughts of God are sweet to me, immediate in his Law day and night, and suck out sweetness there as from an hony comb? But an unclean wretch will suck out sweetness of his unclean thoughts when he is alone; and so the earthly minded man will suck out the sweetness of his earthly thoughts, and so the Ambitious man the sweetness of his pride when he is alone, and these are the most contentfull thoughts to him, he can run along if it be two or three hours together and take delight and pleasure in them: here's Earthly-mindedness.

The third thing is this,

An Earthly-minded man, is one whose heart cleaves to the earth: for so I told you the word was, not only to mind, but to savour the things of the earth: his heart doth cleave to the earth: The Psalmist in a far differing case said, that his soul did cleave to the dust: but it's true of many men in this case that I am speaking of, their very souls do cleave to the dust, their spirits are mixed with the earth, and therefore they are drossie: Though it may be they have some good common gifts, some good natural parts, and some workings of the holy Ghost upon them, yet their spirits are drossie: because they are mixt with the earth: discourse never so much to these men of the vanity of the things of the earth, they will give you the hearing, but when you have done all, their souls do cleave to the earth: and discourse never so much to them of the excellency of heavenly things, they will hear you, but when you have done all, their souls stil claves to the earth: As a man whose soul cleaves in love to a woman, (As it is said of Sampson, his soul did cleave to Dalilah) talk what you will against that woman, or of the excellency of any other women, yet his soul cleaves to that woman: so 'tis in an earthly minded man, let what will be said against the things of the earth, or what can be said for the setting forth of the excellency of the things of Heaven, yet his soul claves to the earth: as the Serpents belly did to the dust of the ground. That's an earthly minded man.


An earthly minded man, is one, whose heart is filled with distracting cares about the earth: what he shall eat and drink, and what he shall put on, how he shall provide for himself and his family, and what shall become of him at such a time, Though he be well now yet what may become of him afterwards: when the heart is filled with distracting cares about the things of the earth; so far as the heart hath these prevailing over it, so far such a man may be judged to be earthly.

There are two things that do cause distracting cares about anie businesse.

The first is, An apprehension of some verie great evil In case I should be disappointed I look upon my disappointment in such a thing as a most intolerable evil to me, If I should be disappointed I know not what in the world to do. That's the first

The second is, An uncertaintie in the means for the preventment of this disappointment: when as I look upon disappointment as a very great evil, so those means that should prevent and help me against disappointment I cannot trust to: I look upon them as too weak to help me, notwithstanding all such means I may yet be desappointed, this causes distracting thoughts; so, tis in the things of the earth, an earthly minded man or woman hath his thoughts fil'd with distracting cares about the world. That is thus

First, They looking upon the things of the world as such great things, they conceive if they should be disappointed they should be undone; they look upon it as such a fearful unsufferable evil to be depriv'd of their estate and outward comforts in this world. Secondly, They don't look upon the means of provision for themselves and families as having anie certaintie in it, which is a main thing to be considered of: As for outward things in the world, they find by experience there is uncertainty in them. And then for any promise that there is in Scripture that God will provide for them and their families, alas that they dare not trust to, that's a thing that of all means they think to be the weakest, Lord have mercy upon them (say they) if they have nothing else to trust to, but only a word in Scripture, they think themselves most miserable and wretched. But now, it would be otherwise with the soul if it were not earthly minded, it would not be at any great pause how things do fall out here in the matters of the world, it's true, perhaps I may miscarry in such a businesse, and my estate may be taken from me by the Caldeans or Sabeans as Jobs was, but I shall not be undone, my happiness is not gone, I shall have that that will comfort me when all that is gone; suppose the worst, yet this will not undo me, Indeed a man that sends abroad in a venture all his whole estate, he is very solicitous because if there be ill news about it he is undone; but another man that hath a great deal of riches, house, and Lands, and a stock at home to maintain him and his family, If there comes such ill news, I have a stock to live on he thinks, therefore he is not so much solicitous: So a worldly man, all his stock is in the earth, there's his only portion, and if he miscarries there he is undone;

But a godly man, though he hath the things of the earth, yet he hath something else, treasures in Heaven to rest upon besides the earth, and therefore he is not so solicitous.

And then for the second, The uncertainty of means and help: if a godly man looks upon outward causes, he sees all is uncertain, but he hath a promise to rest upon, I will never leave you nor forsake you: cast your care upon me for I care for you; and this he looks upon as a certain means and help, whatsoever falls out, here's a promise that he can build upon, and therefore this takes off his solicitous cares: But an earthly minded man or woman whose heart is fild with distracting cares, because he look upon himself as undone if he miscarries here, and hath nothing to rest upon for his provision in this world, more than the creature.


An earthly minded man or woman, is one whose great business of his heart and endeavours of his life are about the things of the earth: he makes it his great business, and the strong endeavours of his spirit are exercised in the things of the earth: He eagerly and greedily works with the strongest intention about these things, his whole Soul, the whole man is laid out about the world, it is the adequate object of his soul. You will say, Other men they are busie in their callings as well as these that you account earthly minded men, I but mark, they are busie about their callings in obedience to God; and for outward things set aside their obedience to God, then (I say) all the things that they busie themselves about in the world, were it not under that consideration that they were obeying God in it they would not be adequate objects for their souls. I mean by an adequate object, that that Is sufficient to take up the whole strength of the soul to lay it out fully: I'le give you this similitude to express my mind further, to shew you what I mean by an adequate object, You have a little child, he is playing at sports, now this sport it hath as much in it as there is in his spirit, there is a kind of equality between his spirit and such a sport, there is benefit enough a child conceives in such a sport as it's worth the laying out of all his strength and might upon it:

Now it may be, sometimes a man or woman will play with their child, they will do as the child doth to play with it, but this sport it's not an adequate object, that's thus, a man or woman for the while would please themselves with the child, but not so as if there were as much good in this as would fill their souls, so as they would lay out all their mind and might upon this thing as that is fully adequate to the desires of their soul; But sport is fully adequate to the desires of the soul of the child, but though a man or woman doth sport so with the child, yet these things are not fully adequate to the desires of a man or woman, and they have other matters in their heads than these, and businesses of a higher nature: and so it is in those that are not earthly minded, though they may be busied about the things of this world, yet they use the world as if they used it not, the things of the world are not objects adequate to their hearts, a spiritual heart reserves the chief strength of it for higher things, I follow these things in the world but so, as I reserve the chief strength for a more desirable good: As a man now, if he hath divers friends to come to him, perhaps he hath some of an ordinary rank, they come first, he makes ordinarie provision for them, but if he hath anie choise things for entertainment he reserves them for some choise friends that are coming to him: so a man that is not of the world though he may be busie in earthly things, yet the choise of his heart he both reserve for things of a higher nature. I remember Tertullian hath a speech of the Christians how they eat, and drank; when they sup'd, they eat and drank (saith he) so as they remembered they were to pray that night before they slept: So a gracious spiritual heart follows his out ward business in the world, but so as he remembers he is to converse with God that night before he sleeps, so that he reserves the strength of his spirit for communion with God; but now the other laies out all his strength as having nothing to do afterwards: so that in this an earthly, and a spiritual heart are quite contrary;

The Apostle you know would have godly men to use the world as if they used it not; so on the contrary, an earthly-minded man uses spiritual things as if he used them not; look how an earthly minded mans heart is in spiritual things, so a spiritual mind is in earthly things: An earthly minded man will do some things that are spiritual, he will come and hear the word, perhaps he will pray in his familie, and reade a chapter, I but his heart is not much there, he doth it as he did it not, comes and hears as if he heard not, and praies as if he prayed not, he makes it not his business to pray or hear; so a spiritual minded man he doth the things of the world but as if he did them not, I mean in comparison of his being busie in spiritual things, there he doth it with all his might; An earthly minded man is like to Corab, Dathan, and Abiram, we reade of them that they were swallowed up of the earth: and so the truth is, the things of the earth, Contentments, provision for themselves and families in earthly things, doth as it were open and swallow up the very hearts of earthly-minded men: and that's the fift thing for the discription of earthly mindedness.


But suppose a man doth not seem to be so strongly intent, to lay out his whole strength and heart about earthly things, yet when anie man or woman shall seek anie earthlie thing for it self (observe it) and not in subordination to some higher good, this is an earthly-minded man so for as this prevailes; in the 2 Cor. 4. 18. our Apostle Paul speaks there of the things that are seen that are but temporal, While we look not at the things that are seen, for the things that are seen are earthly and temporal: the word is as much as to say, while we do not look as our scope upon temporal and earthly things that are seen, we do not make them our end, but we seek them in subordination, there is somewhat else that we look at higher in all these things, as for instance, a man that is godly, he follows his business as other men do, but what is it that he would have? It's this, I shew my obedience to God, and I would provide those things that may be helpful to me to serve God in my generation; that's my end, I can appeal to God in this, that even in the following my business and all outward things, it is that I might follow God in the use of means for the providing of such things as may enable me to serve him the more in my generation: this is my scope in what I do.

But now on the other side, an earthly-minded man makes his scope this, he will follow his business and look about the business of his calling that he might gain, he would get that he might get, he would have more that he might have more, and that he and his children might be somebodie in the world, and it may be that he might have enough to have his will, and lusts, therefore he follows his business very intent, meerly that he may get to satisfie the flesh, yea, indeed all the good things that he doth he brings them in subordination to earthly things. You may take it thus, a spiritual man doth not seek earthly things for himself, but an earthly man doth; or thus more fully, (you may make it a distinct head if you will,) An earthly man is earthly in all he doth do, both in earthly and spiritual things, and a spiritual minded man is spiritual in all he doth, both in spiritual and in earthly things; an earthly man when he is in earthly things he is altogether earthly, he looks not at obedience to God in what he doth, as thus, I'le follow my calling because God hath required it, but an earthly man thinketh, I'le follow it because I see gain come in by it, this is earth; though the things be lawful, and it's your duty to follow your calling, but to follow it meerly for gain, this is earthly: but because it is your duty and the place God hath set you in, that's spiritualness in earthly things: An earthly man is earthly in earthly things, and he is more earthly in spiritual things: when he performes spiritual duties he hath an earthly end in it, either to get esteem from men, or to cover some evil, or meerly for form and fashion, he doth it in an earthly way, and it may be at the most that that he doth do, it is but meerly for his own quiet, and to satisfie his own conscience, he is earthly in spiritual things. But now, a spiritual man, is spiritual in earthly things. one of a spiritual mind, is more heavenly and spiritual when he is about his calling though the meanest, as hedging, and ditching, or when he is pulling his ropes and lines, or using his Ax or hammer, he is more spiritual I say then, than an earthly man is, when he is praying, or hearing, or receiving Sacraments; certainly it is so, and it will be found to be so at the great day of Judgment, when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed: that's the sixt thing, when a man seeks earthly things for himself.

And that that we may ad as a seventh is, That he is earthly in spiritual things.

I grant that the best of the Saints may have some earthlinesse in spirtual things; but I speak of the predominancie, it's that that doth rule in the heart, so that in the performance of spiritual things, his very ends are but earthly, and the frame of his heart is but earthly in spiritual performances.

The eighth thing wherein we may find an earthly minded man is this,

That he passes through many and great difficulties in matters of the earth, and they are very little to him; and though he hath a great deal of toyl for the matters of the earth, yet he is never weary with it, because he is in his proper element; and therefore let there be what difficulties there will be, which to another man would be very great, he makes of them as nothing, and though there be much toyl and labour yet he is not weary, why? because he is in his own element: The fish is not weary with swimming, but a man is quickly weary, I but the fish is in it's element and a man is not; so, I beseech you observe this, when a mans spirit is in this kind of temper, let him but be busied about earthly things, wherein earthly advantage comes in, no difficulties will hinder him, no wind or weather, he will rise in cold mornings and go abroad, do any thing in the world. Oh! what difficulties will men endure In storms at Sea, and hazards there, and troubles at land many waies for things of the earth, and sit up late, and rise early, and toyl themselves, and complain of no wearinesse nor no difficulties But now, let them come but to spiritual things, to soul-businesses that concern God and their spiritual estates, every little difficulty puts them aside and discourages them, every mole-hill is a mountain in their way, I would do so and so indeed, but 'tis so hard, and 'tis tedious to rise in a morning, especially in cold winters morning; it is very hard and difficult to reade and pray and so he is complaining of the difficulty of these things: And to watch over the heart, it's a mighty difficulty: to an earthly man any spiritual thing is difficult, and the difficulties doth discourage him, and in spiritual things,

Oh how weary are they! as they in the 1. of Micha, 13. they cryed out, What a weariness is it: But in the businesse of the world they can follow it, from morning to night they are never tired, they can work (as we say sometimes of men) like a horse and yet never out of breath: Oh I would but desire you try your hearts once, but to endeavour to spend one Sabbath exactly, and see what a wearinesse that would be to you, resolve but one Sabbath to rise early in the morning, & to have your thoughts spiritual & heavenly as much as you can, and then get up & pray alone in your closet, then reade, and hear, and meditate, and mark what you hear; and when you go home think of it, and confer about it, and when you come again attend upon the word, and so spend the whole day in hearing, reading, meditating, and conference about good things, Calling your family to account, and praying again, and see how tiresom this will be unto your hearts if they be carnal. But now a spiritual heart will call the Sabbath a delight unto it: And the Sabbath unto such an one is no other than that type and fore-runner of that eternal day of rest it shall enjoy in the kingdom of heaven: one that is spiritual accounts the Sabbath to be a day of rest, but an earthly man is quickly tired in spiritual things, he will give over his work and not go through it: we reade in the 4. of Nehe. 6. verse Nehemiah having spoken of the great difficulties that they met withal in their work, and yet (saith he) the work went on, for they bad a mind to it. So, look how a mans mind is, so he will be able to go through his work; If a man be an earthly-minded man, such a man will go through stich with his work, If he take up businesse for the world he will go through with it, for he hath a mind to it, he is a man of an earthly mind; But let him take in hand a spiritual work, and he will lay it aside before it be half done, he will seldom bring to perfection any spiritual work, why? because he hath no mind to it, whereas were the heart spiritual, and there were any spiritual work undertaken, such a one would go through with it till all was finished.

[ninth] Another note about the discription of an earthly-minded man, is this:

An earthly-minded man, is one that doth conceive of the most heavenly Truths that are revealed in the Word in an earthly way, according to his mind, his genious, and disposition of his own heart: And I verily think this is in a special manner meant in this place, for the Apostle is speaking of those that did oppose him in his Ministery, and that were enemies to the Crosse of Christ:

Now (saith he) These mind earthly things, their mindes are of an earthly temper, and therefore no marvell (as if he should say) though they do not savour those Heavenly and Spiritual Truths that we bring to them, for their minds being earthly, they only apprehend those things after an earthly manner: As now, what was the great Truth that the Apostle did bring to the Philippians? It was the way of reconciling the world to God, of making our peace with God, and of our Justification through Jesus Christ. Now there is no point of Religion more Spiritual, Heavenly, and Divine, than the Doctrin of Reconciliation, and of Justification by Jesus Christ. So that, one that is of an earthly disposition, though he may be convinc'd of a necessity of pardon of sin, and peace with God, yet he apprehends the making of his peace with God, and obtaining pardon of his sin, but in an earthly manner, he hath carnal thoughts and apprehensions about his peace with God, and about obtaining pardon of sin, he thinks it is the same way that one man obtains peace with another when he is fallen out, and of getting pardon from another man that he hath offended, he conceives it in an earthly way, he looks upon his making peace with God, by some thing that he himself must perform; but for the point of Free justification by the grace of God in Christ, it's too Divine, Spiritual and Heavenly for an earthly-minded man to apprehend in the Spiritualnesse of it; an earthly-minded man, his apprehensions of God are but in a carnal, earthly way; as the Prophet speaks in the 1 of Isa. The Ox knows his owner, and the Ass his masters crib: Even after that manner doth an earthly-minded man know God; as an Ox his owner, and the Ass his masters crib: as thus, the ox knows his owner because he brings him fodder daily, so an earthly-minded man hath no other apprehensions of God but this, he thinks God gives him good things in this world, God makes his corn to grow, or Prospers his voyage. An earthly-minded man may rise so high to have apprehensions of God as bringing good things unto him here on earth: But one that is spiritual and heavenly doth apprehend God as God, doth not look upon God meerly as good in respect of the benefit he receives from God here, but he looks upon God as he is in himself, he sees the face of God: as there's a great deal of difference between a man that knows another man, and a beast that knows a man,

The ox knows his owner, the ox knows the man that brings hay or provender to him, but a man knows a man in another way, knows what the nature of a man is, knows what it is to be a rational creature, so one that is spiritual, knows what God is in himself, he sees the face of God, and understands what God is in another way than others do: the difference between the knowledge of God that a spiritual soul hath, one that is pure in heart, and the knowledge of God that an earthly heart hath, is just so much difference as comes to this, As the ox knows the man that drives him to fat pastures, so doth an earthly man know God that gives him good things: but a spiritual heart knows God as one man knows another, not in his full excellency, I mean not so, but there is such a kind of difference in some degree, between the apprehensions of God in a spiritual heart, and the apprehensions of God in an earthly heart:

And so we might mention in many other Spiritual and Divine Truths, that an earthly mind doth apprehend but in an earthly way; consider of Heaven its self, how doth an earthly mind apprehend that? he apprehends that he shall be delivered from pain, and shall have some kind of glory, but knows not what it is, conceives it according to the way of the earth, some pompous, glorious thing, that he shall live in pleasures and not in pain; and so apprehends all the glory of Heaven but in sensuality; whereas a spiritual heart looks at Heaven in another kind of notion, he looks upon the enjoyment of Communion with God and Jesus Christ in Heaven, and living of the life of God in Heaven; that's a thing that an earthly heart hath no skill at all in, neither doth such an heart so much as savour it.

Thus I have in these several particulars discovered what an earthly-minded man is, Oh that you would lay your hands upon your hearts, and every one consider how far these things do reach you. But I have besides these, divers other convincements, to convince the consciences of men and women that yet there is much earthlinesse in them: but of them we shall treat of in their order afterwards. The Second head to consider is this. The great evill that there is in earthly-mindedness, They mind earthly things. Is that any such great matter (you will say) indeed we cannot imagine the transcendency of the evil that there is in this, We think there's a great deal of evil in swearing, whoring, drinking, and such kind of scandalous sins, and indeed there is, But to have an earthly mind we do not think this to be so exceeding evil; yet you will find that the Scripture doth speak most dreadful things against this, and if God please to set them home upon your hearts, I hope there is much glory may come to God by it, and much good unto you in particular.

End of second chapter

A TREATISE OF Earthly-mindedness; PHILIPPIANS 3 - latter part of the 19TH verse

—Who mind Earthly things.

by Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646)

Source: Text Creation Partnership (complete book in multiple files)

Part 2 - Chapter 3
Part 3 - Chapters 4-7 [Finis]
also: Jeremiah Burroughs 'Exceeding Sinfulness Of Sin' - Sixt Part 'He That
Committeth Sin Is Of The Devil' 1Jn 3:8 - Audio
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Philippians 3:19 'Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things'