[excerpted] Contestants in the Miss Germany beauty pageant will no longer strut their stuff in skimpy bikinis, as organizers will remove the ‘swimwear’ category. Organizers say the contest will now focus on “personality.”
"We want to turn Miss Germany into a personality," said pageant CEO Max Klemmer. "For that, the bikini was not very relevant." Contestants will now pose in more modest ‘summer outfits’ instead, from next year’s contest onwards. The new rules apply to men too. “Mister Germany” will sacrifice its swimwear category in favor of a jeans-and-shirt section.
Klemmer’s decision follows the lead of Miss America’s organizers, who eliminated the swimsuit category earlier this year. Instead of showing off their bodies in revealing bikinis, contestants will show off their wits, intelligence, and “talk about their social-impact initiatives.”
Above related to: 'Miss America' Ends Swimsuits, Evening Gowns: Now To Be Miss 'Baphomet-World-Order' America ...Date/Time A '666' 6-5-18 "Gender expression/identity - whatever you say - so it is - don't worry about anything you too can be the next 'Miss America'. Don't even have to shave your beard if you don't want to -- Obviously a so-called 'female-identifying' bio-male could never pull off a bikini w/heels on the big stage without inducing a collective gag-reflex from viewers nationwide so that has to go...and of course can't have the traditional evening gown competition because that is just soooo gender stereotypical which is to say waaaay too feminine - and feminine, like masculine, is of course a mortal enemy to androgyny and trannyism which is what it is all about in the new-baphomet-world-order and plainly we can't have all those real girls exuding all that horrible real femininity all over the place that wouldn't be fair so clearly all of that just has to go..." [see post]
Rev. 18:4
9-11-18 follow up: Is The New 'Miss' America Nia "I-MAN"-i Franklin A Transgender? - If It's A Man Body It's A Man
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