Trump Illuminati Card top line: "At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you Have a nice day" [see: original vid Enough is Enough] [*Note new observation: streak across middle of image Trump right side about ear level - looks exactly like the ridiculous supposed 'bullet' picture link put out after the fake shooting] |
World history - fake, staged, ritualistic preplanned events; everything foretold with mystical symbols and hidden signs and clues left everywhere - like the back of the dollar bill for example - it's the reality of planet earth with Satan the god of it and those in power bowed to him to do his will [Luke 4:5-8]. How far back are these things planned? Farther back than anyone can even realize. Planned to the exact day decades and many if not most more likely even centuries back - like what is shown on the back of the US dollar bill for example. All for the one goal only - to usher in the 'Novus Ordo Seclorum" aka the 'new order of the ages' -- with Lucifer reigning physically and men becoming immortal gods themselves..
And lo and behold at the 2024 Republican National Convention they just broadcast it to the entire world that that is exactly what they are up to... hiding it in as plain sight as could possibly be done with a massive display right in the faces of the collective watching world -- using the 'hidden symbology' on the back of the dollar bill [link] for a backdrop on the opening night of the convention. It does not get more blatant than this. Nor totally open than this, nor God-defiant, nor proud. The connection to the Trump Illuminati Card should not be missed here either. Before the massive excitement created by the fake-shooting drama not many would have cared too much about the 2024 RNC, but playing the Trump Illuminati-sniper-card turned it into the biggest show ever. And with all the world now tuned in entranced by the incredible 'sniper near-miss' the perfect opportunity had been created to send out their not-subliminal at all subliminal message to all the world - the 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' is here - pyramid and all:
Compare: Trump Rally Shooting 911 Numerology Signature - Happens Exactly 6:11 pm; Ritual Just Opening Act Fake-Election 2024 7-14-24
also: Novus ordo seclorum - dollar bill symbology decoded
See aslo: Trump Illuminati Card New Discoveries: It's a 'Sniper' Card And Shows the Streaking Bullet -- Just Like the Famous Trump Picture
Rev. 18:4
Ezekiel 8:16 'And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD’s house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshiped the sun toward the east.'
Tom, what is a good article to read detailing the symbology of all that was displayed at the RNC convention? I have done research on this in the past, but have not looked into it for a long while. So, I would appreciate any articles you might recommend reading on this subject or any videos on this subject, too. Thank you.
Just as a side, have you looked at the name of the supposed shooter and its possible symbology? I took it apart piece by piece, and I think there might be a message there, as well. So I am just going to share it with you for your consideration.
Thomas Matthew Crooks 20 year old accused of attempting to assassinate Donald Trump right before the Republican National Convention.
Tho mass matt hew crooks?
Tho (though) – however, yet, still, although
Mass – majority, largest part, main part, bulk, gathering, collection, crowd, throng
Matt – understated, tangle, entwine, intertwine, tangle up, complicate, mix-up, disorder, jumble, twist
Hew – carve, fashion, shape, create, devise
Crooks – criminals, villains, robbers, outlaws, offenders
20 year old – 20 years ago and forward (still)? 2004? George W Bush elected in 2004
So, something possibly that might say something like "Still the main part (main players) who are entangled in disorder and deceit have created and devised a criminal," i.e. that the young man accused of shooting Trump was created by the people you are talking about. I also believe the shooting was fake.
The backdrop used was the back of the dollar bill - if there was anything more throughout the night i'm not aware (did not watch it all). The back of the dollar is loaded with symbology .. and that message of that symbology is exactly the message sent that night: the 'novus ordo seclorum' is here - hello everybody.
Linked a couple of short videos on the topic (only a few any good left these days it seems). Enough in them to get the basic idea if you haven't really looked at it before. Interpretations are the video-makers - use for research.
Also the bottom link is from the blog - it's a brief summation of the overall hidden-message of the dollar - if someone understands that much they will know what they need to know
[did a quick search re: articles interesting thing results almost entirely 'anti-conspiracy' or 'non-conspiracy' - seems like the topic has been somewhat scrubbed]
Tom, thank you for that information. My husband and I watched the two videos and read the article, and they were helpful. The Lord had led me to do a study on this subject many years ago, but I needed a refresher course, so thank you. Yes, it is very difficult to find anything worthwhile to watch or to read these days. So much junk out there. So that is why I asked you, for you have always been very helpful whenever I needed some good information. And I only watched very little of the convention so I did not see what you saw, so thank you so much for sharing that, for that is obviously very significant to what is happening right now in the USA. Sue Love
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