Below excerpted from original post 9-4-16
[9-4-16] G20 Meets in 'Hangs-You' (Hangzhou) China To Tighten Zio-Kingdom-Come Noose On World -- Implement UN2030
"G20 Hangzhou summit opens, starting new journey for world's future growth... It is also the first time that the G20 has an action plan for implementing the 2030 Agenda [link] for Sustainable Development..."
G20 'Hangs-You' Summit to build the Zio-kingdom of the Beast on Earth Sept. 4-5, 2016 |
"September 4-5, 2016 the so-called G20 aka ZNWO holds two-day summit in 'Hangs-You'. Is there not an obvious hidden-in-plain sight little-message in the choice of location? Most important thing to note about this 2016 G20 may be that this year for the first time ever the issue of implementing the so-called "2030 Sustainable Development" scheme is in fact "front and center". Which name most by now certainly know is a pathetic euphemism for the true 'nature of the beast' - namely the micromanaged dictatorial global regulatory system being zio-constructed [see link below] for the sole purpose of exercising absolute control over every person place and thing on the 2030. Note from the below article the G20-ers now have an "action plan" -- The real zio-globalist goal for all the 'commoners' of the planet?
The photo makes it very clear does it not: G20 'Hangzhou'..." [full post]
Ezekiel 21:27 'I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.' [the true Christ, the Lord and Saviour Jesus, not the false christ, the anti]
Rev. 18:4
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