*This post "Amazon Key" related to: Amazon Echo 'Murder Case' Psyop: The Walls Have Ears - And May Testify Against You...'Land Of The Giants' 1969 TV 1-8-17 "The walls have ears" is not just a saying anymore. Got a 'smart TV'? How about a 'smart' refrigerator, stove, washer/dryer? Got Cortana? Use 'smart-phone' AI 'personal assistants'? Want a self-driving car? No question about it there is a data bank out there somewhere in the dark nether-world aka 'the cloud' collecting it all and writing a book on you - and may one day want to get up close and personal to 'discuss' things ... Dystopian-Orwellian in-home blanket surveillance of the 'citizens' becomes all-encompassing. Exactly as planned. Intrigued with the neat little talking gadget [Amazon Echo]? It's not your friend. See: 'Planned-opolis'
Amazon Echo, Smart TV's? - Land of the Giants 1969 "walls have ears"
'Land of the Giants' 2 yr. TV series '68-69 - follows the adventures of a crew from a spaceship that goes through a 'spacewarp' and lands in a dystopian future on a planet of giants and then must evade capture.
1:50 "under our form of government phones are tapped...the walls have ears"
2:00 "now they think I'm a loyal citizen" [see post]
**Planned-opolis totalitarianism [link] is that much bigger plan. And the only plan. There is no other plan. And that plan won't stop with the key to the front door. Big Brother ZWO owns/controls it all is the only stop point. October 2017 the plan is this far. fyi
Rev. 18:4
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