The nation’s oldest Roman Catholic university announced this week that it has appointed its first “director for Hindu life,” who they are noting to be the first Hindu priest chaplain in the nation.
Georgetown University’s newspaper The Hoya explained on Tuesday that Interim Vice President for Mission and Ministry Howard Gray, S.J. sent out a campus-wide email advising that Brahmachari Vrajvihari Sharan had been selected for the appointment.
“Br. Sharan was drawn to Georgetown by its commitment to interreligious student formation, and by the vibrancy of the university’s Hindu community,” Gray wrote.
Rajan Zed, the president of the Universal Society of Hinduism, released a statement on Wednesday applauding the appointment and urging Georgetown to make additional accommodations for Hindu students.
“GU should make efforts to provide specific designated space for worship, congregation and cooking to Hindu students, like some other religions on the campus,” he said. “It should preferably include a shrine containing murtis (statues) of popular Hindu deities like Shiva, Vishnu, Rama, Krishna, Durga, Venkateshwara, Ganesha, Murugan, Saraswati, Hanuman, Lakshmi, Kali, etc.”
This post is a follow up on: New "Pope Video" - Bergoglio-Francis Calls For World Religions To Unite, Flashes 'Horus' 1-7-16 "...all the world religions together under 'one god'. Which is exactly what Bergoglio-Francis is calling for in this January 2016 video release, published by the Vatican itself...One world religion under the one-world god - Horus i.e the biblical Antichrist..." [see post]
Georgetown, some may say, is "Catholic" in name only. Think so? Should the same then be said about Bergoglio-Francis the top man, the very 'pope' of the Catholic religion? - see above image
Catholicism is done people of the world - step by step it's assimilation into the now materializing, open, global-spirituality of Antichrist is coming along right according to schedule. It will not be stopped, it will not be averted, it will not be prevented. Clearly, undeniably, from the top down, the line has already been crossed. This 'new way', this spirit of inclusive global interspirituality is already on it's way to every Catholic church worldwide, and every Catholic religion adherent will absolutely have to either separate, or, by staying in, knowingly or unknowingly, be submitted to the 'spirit of anti-christ' [2John 7]. There are no other options. This was the same topic of another recent post, also documenting the 'done-ness' of the Catholic church:
Catholicism Is Done: Fake-False-Prophet Pope Francis Says 'Catholic Church' Must "Apologize" (Bow) To Homosexuals 6-26-16 "That time of the final merge is now come. Catholic religion this 'merge' absolutely includes you...If you would not one day find yourself bowing [Dan. 3:4-5,16-18] at the feet of the beast of Revelation who has the name of blasphemy upon his heads [Rev. 13:1], there is only one solution..." [see post]
It's in or out Catholics. Rev. 18:4
2Cor. 6:16a,17 'And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? ...Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you' [see: Rom 10:9-10]
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