Regarding the possibility of the fake antichrist - false prophet scenario continuing to develop as mentioned in the 'follow up' above, in striking fashion this new "Pope-Video" is apparently pushing that very scenario to a whole new level. Per the below description it comes as part of a brand new "global initiative....to disseminate"...well...exactly the type of thing that the real "false prophet" would be expected to do. Namely, bring all the world religions together under 'one god'. Which is exactly what Bergoglio-Francis is calling for in this January 2016 video release, published by the Vatican itself, the very first of what apparently will from now on be a monthly effort. One world religion under the one-world god - Horus i.e the biblical Antichrist? The video and screenshots below answer that question clearly:
Youtube: Published on Jan 6, 2016 by the Vatican - "The Pope Video is a global initiative developed by the Pope World Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) to assist in the dissemination of monthly intentions of the Holy Father [Rom. 3:10; Matthew 23:9] related to the challenges facing humanity"
'Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils' - 1Tim. 4:1 |
...says the Kabbalist NWO one-world-religion script. The Word of God says...'Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God...' 2John 9-11 |
The images above are self-explanatory. This particular one-eye-pope one extremely so - the planned Zionist one-world religion of 'Antichrist' [link], symbolized as always, by 'Horus' |
Given these developments, the described antichrist/fake-false-prophet scenario may very well be 'going live' in the not so distant future. Be quite aware. More on the subject:
'New World Pope' Francis One Year Old Today [3-13-14] - 'New World' Assimilation Of Catholic Church In Full Swing "The nations of the world are being paradigm-shifted into global government, and the religions of the world are being paradigm-shifted into global religion. This without question includes the Catholic Church" ...[3-13-13] Basically the way this is being laid out ['Last Pope Prophecy' (hoax-script)] is that the incoming pope is 'prophesied' to be an impostor [i.e. the biblical 'false prophet'] who is going to come in and destroy the Catholic church and usher in the apocalypse...The destruction of the Catholic church very likely is exactly what will occur. The Catholic church must also be broken down and subjugated to the Zionist global agenda, and eventually put under talmudic jewish noahide control along with every other world religion [link]..." [see post; also last photo directly above]
12-11-13 TIME Names 'New World Pope' Francis Person Of The Year - Portray Him With 'Horns Like A Lamb'; And "Last Pope Prophecy" NWO Fake 'False Prophet' "...what the "New World Pope" is saying is that those within the Catholic Church who will not get on board, and, essentially, relinquish the historic "obsessions" about "abortion, contraception and homosexuality"...in exchange for the one-world unity of 'brotherly love' of course...which he is terming as becoming "more merciful" ...have a "serious illness". In other words, they are 'sick', according to NWP Francis......on the alleged "Last Pope Prophecy"...the idea of the so-called 'prophecy' is that the incoming pope, whoever it would be, essentially would turn out to be the biblical 'False Prophet'. As discussed in that post, and here, that is an impossibility (the time is not yet), but, this does not rule out the possibility of the creation of an 'imitation' for the specific purpose of faking bible prophecy - Rev. 13:11 "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon" - As for that, the specific way that this TIME cover of Francis was done also seems worth noting, in that the 'horns' are rather small, even lamb-like perhaps. And again, as to the composition of the photo being all in white like it is, that seems to add to the overall effect of 'lamb-likeness' too. Mary (Catholic church) had a little lamb...?
See also: Job Opening:'false prophet' 2-9-08 "In the book of Revelation the one called Antichrist is seen as initially rising from the political world, and in seeking to establish global control in the political realm, he will "go forth conquering, and to conquer." [Rev. 6:2] Also seen is a second world leader, this one to come from the religious or 'spiritual world, and he rises to power as the head over a global interfaith conglomeration. This will be the personage described in God's Word as the 'false prophet' (Rev. 13:11; 16:13; 19:20). Tolerance and acceptance of all belief systems as equally valid will be the hallmark of his program, designed to create global unity. This system of blended religions will be politically compatible and allowed for a period of time, an adjustment period if you will, but at a later point (Rev. 17:16) the job of the 'false prophet' will be to re-direct the different "faith traditions" to the worship of the Antichrist himself. He will have supernatural power, as will the Antichrist, to accomplish his 'mission', as this verse in the thirteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation reveals - Rev. 13:12; This is not difficult to understand. The one called Antichrist, having gained control of the world, will then at this time make the claim that he is himself God, and with the help of the 'false prophet', demand the worship of all mankind. All religions will be obsolete at that point and no longer tolerated (Rev. 17:16). The Antichrist will then oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, as revealed in this verse of scripture which is referring to him: 2Thes. 2:4 [see post]
Rev. 18:4
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1John 2:22 'Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son'
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