France will deploy about 3,000 reserve troops, train school authorities and ramp up school anti-terror drills in case of attacks, its education and security ministers announced on Wednesday, a week before the start of a new academic year.
The French government has heightened security across the country following a series of Islamist militant attacks since January last year that has left people on the edge, with schools a feared target.
Around 500 school administrators will be trained every year at the national gendarme training center to manage crisis centers and act as liaisons with security officials, while some 1.2 million students in the fourth year of secondary school are expected to be trained in ['terror'] first aid .
Cazeneuve said security forces will be focusing on school surroundings and that 3,000 gendarme reservists will be deployed to reinforce other forces including the police.
"Throughout the year, particular attention will be put around schools. Active surveillance around schools, high-schools and universities will be reinforced by roving patrols," Cazeneuve said.
This post is a follow up on: Martial Law France: "National Guard" Created To "Protect Citizens" - After #3 Ordo-Ab-Chao Psyop 'Nice' 7-28-16 "'PARIS (AFP) - French President Francois Hollande on Thursday (July 28) confirmed that a National Guard would be formed from existing reserve forces to better protect citizens facing terror attacks...France has not had a national guard since 1872' ... A formerly free-people now under under military rule. How did this happen? Triple-play psyop-hoax hat trick was all it took to get the job done: 1-7-15, 11-13-15, 7-14-16, with the military roll-out increasing after each, today's announcement unquestionably the most extreme. France martial-law trance-formation timeline: [see post]
Multiple hoax ordo ab chao events already used to transform the nation of France sector by sector into a land literally under a totalitarian military rule now to expand to include the French school system, including 'training' school authorities? Exactly what is here seen. Training school authorities? Obviously this can only mean bringing them, and the entire education system along with them, under the 'supervision' of the newly existing military rule. And training ('terrorist' first-aid is the report) students - which can only mean brainwashing them in the ways of 'happy' submission to totalitarianism - this is now the 'martial law' of the land.
And all accomplished by sleight of hand [see link above]. Do not be sorcerer-ed by believing fiction. It's all fiction now 2016. France is setting precedents, zio-military rule of the entire planet is the goal [link], orchestrating absolutely everything to accomplish it is the modus operandi. The orchestration no doubt will continue, believing it is optional. Do not be sorcerer-ed by believing fiction.
Rev. 18:4
1John 5:5 'Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?'
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