Hawaii Legislation Would Ban Gasoline-and Diesel-Powered Vehicles
In a far-reaching effort to further Hawaii’s embrace of renewable energy, state Rep. Chris Lee (D-Kailua) and state Rep. Nicole E. Lowen (D-Kailua Kona) have introduced legislation targeting vehicles powered by gasoline and diesel fuel for elimination.
The bill, House Bill 2085, is vague on how fossil-fuel powered vehicles would ultimately be eliminated, leaving it to the state’s Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism to develop a plan. The bill aims to reduce and ultimately eliminate the import of fossil fuels for ground transportation by 2045. It builds upon legislation signed into law by Gov. Dave Ige (D) on June 18, 2015, mandating 100 percent of the islands’ electricity be produced by renewable energy—such as wind, solar, and geothermal—no later than 2045.
Opponents of the legislation fear eliminating fossil fuels will further drive up the cost of living in Hawaii. Testifying in early February against the Lee-Lowen bill, a representative of the state Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism pointed out the legislation’s goals effectively meant every car sold in the state would have to be electric or powered by a hydrogen cell by 2028.
Despite such concerns, the State Legislature is moving forward with the bill, which has already cleared several committees with little or no opposition.
The Hawaiian island of Oahu now has a massive rail system rising across the landscape, slated to soon begin operations:
Rail goes up, automobiles go bye bye - is the goal |
['HART' site linked above] |
UN Awards 'Best Climate Song' For Kids: Don't Need No Bath, No Car, No CO2, We Go By Feet... 4-9-16 [see video]
The future the would-be novus-ordo-seclorumites have planned is now being made quite visible on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. This is not just an isolated location though, as most know at this point the plan is the same for the entire globe. Included in this grand plan is the large-scale relocation of populations out of all so-called "urban sprawl" areas into designated "human-habitation" zones, which are to then be connected by rail. An island population like Oahu, already somewhat contained, must actually be a good pilot-project for the larger scheme. Banning gas and diesel? - yes they really did say it - and there was no opposition. Can you say controlled? No gas, diesel, no paved roads, etc. [see 'follow up' at top]. They call it Agenda21, what it really is is global totalitarianism [see: TPP; COP-21].
Compare: NWO To Announce High-Speed Rail Network For U.S. 1-28-10 "Tampa, FL – President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will today announce that the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) is awarding $8 billion to states across the country to develop America’s first nationwide program of high-speed intercity passenger rail service" -- Question: What do these terms have in common: transform travel, game changer, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, livable communities? -- Answer: They are all code for the green agenda, i.e. the globalist plan to dominate and control all human activity on earth. Part of that plan is to herd the masses into 'urban centers' for management purposes. These urban centers across the land will then be divided into individual "livable communities"*. The 'urban centers' themselves will then be connected by "high speed rail", as seen in this White House press release. Fossil fuel [so called] dependence will be reduced because automobiles are to become obsolete, being replaced by public transport. This is what the NWO calls transforming travel.
It's on in Hawaii - and everywhere else too. Know what and why.
Rev. 18:4
Jer. 51:53 'Though Babylon should mount up to heaven, and though she should fortify the height of her strength, yet from me shall spoilers come unto her, saith the LORD'
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