Youtube [linked at top]: Published on Feb 22, 2016 - The United Nations awarded the song "Climate Astronauts" the prize for best children's global climate change song. Performed by students from Bonn, Germany and "Climate Fairy" Bernadette La Hengst, the lyrics include, 'don't need no cars', 'we go by feet', and 'don't need no bath'.
Selected lyrics:
We are astronauts, and we can see
"... what's good for you
"... no plastic bags
"... don't waste the food
"... turn out the lights
"... in the night
"... don't need no cars
"... we go by bike
We are climate, climate astronauts
Boys and girls around the world
Can you hear us
We are loud
We don't need no CO2
What we need is me and you
And, our solar rockets
We rocket, rocket
We are astronauts, we plant the trees
"... we go by feet
"... we save the world
"... when we brush our teeth
"... don't need no bath
"... at every day
"... we love you earth
"... and we will say
We are climate, climate astronauts
"...we can see what's good for you -- don't need no cars -- we go by bike -- can you hear us -- we are loud -- dont need no CO2 -- we go by feet -- don't need no bath -- we love you earth...climate climate..."
The bizarre reality of the zio-global-control plan as described, for one, in the 'Sustainable 2030' post linked below, does not get any plainer to see than the above. Is it any wonder that the Zio-US controllers are now moving forward with the next phase of the overall plan - which as stated openly will be to criminalize "climate-change" denial [2nd link below]. Obviously can't have all the "boys and girls around the world" to start questioning why they don't need a bath or why they have to go everywhere "by feet". This next phase of silencing of opposition to the green-scheme to own and control all of humanity is only just now being ramped up.
The brainwashing lyrics of this UN climate jingle for children do clearly reveal just how radically extreme this global-control scheme actually is. The 1995 UN report detailed in this 9-28-15 post gives many more specific details which reveal just how comprehensive the scope of this 'extremely radical' agenda actually is. It literally touches every facet of life on the earth:
See: Pope, U.N. 'New' 2030 Sustainability Scam Same As Old Scam: 1995 U.N. Biodiversity Assessment Report 9-28-15 "President Barack Obama joined with world leaders Sunday to commit to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The adoption of the framework [link], announced at the United Nations General Assembly, means the U.S. will join other nations to eradicate extreme poverty and adopt sustainable policies with long-term impact. -- All in all very simple to understand. The 'global serfdom' is to be herded into "sustainable communities" worldwide, given solar and fed bugs [link]. Bugs? Bugs, for one example, are cheap to produce - no pastures, no irrigation (water), no heavy equipment, etc. [see 1995 itemized list @ link]
"Historic Coalition" Announces 'Climate Change Deniers' To Now Be Prosecuted - "To Fullest Extent" 3-31-16
Too bizarre to be true should be the case. This is not the case though. Be informed - deprogram your children. Rev. 18:4
The totalitarian dreams of the ZNWO self-elected would-be overlords of humanity will ultimately fail, because...
Ps. 24:1 'The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein'
The temple of Baal is being constructed in New York City and London for display April 2016
The comments on the YouTube site above will have you laughing! Good thinking on display there for the most part.
(However, I realize that this campaign of indoctrination being launched at schoolchildren is no laughing matter...)
Here's an update to the temple of Ba'al saga.
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