Army could be brought in to patrol the streets, warn police leaders
The Army may have to be deployed on the streets of mainland Britain to carry out routine policing duties because constables are reluctant to train as firearms officers, it has been warned.
Steve White, chairman of the Police Federation, said officers are not volunteering to carry guns because they fear being "hung out to dry" and treated like a suspect if they discharge their weapon.
It could force the Government to call in troops to carry out day-to-day guarding and patrolling duties at major transport hubs, city centres and key buildings such as the Houses of Parliament, he suggested.
Mr White, who opens the federation’s annual conference in Bournemouth, Dorset, on Monday, said a national shortage of armed police was leaving Britain vulnerable to terror attack.
“I think there is a real possibility the Army could have to be called in to conduct routine duties that are currently performed by authorised firearms officers,” said Mr White.
Mr White's comments come just days after the threat from Northern Ireland-related terrorism in Britain was raised from moderate to substantial.
Few are actually aware that military-policing aka martial law is now a permanent thing in the nation of France. In other words, the new-normal. All it took for France to transition their 'system' and make it permanent, as in never going back to "how it used to be", was a "terror attack" that clearly was not really one [see 'follow up' above].
Totalitarianism is another name for a system of society that uses the military to control it's citizens. The nation of the UK is now 'officially pontificating' as to why they just might also get some military-on-the-street totalitarianism going on in their towns and cities just like they have in France. The police don't like to shoot guns, there's not enough police anyway, and of course there's always that ever-present "terror threat", so you see there really is no other choice than to bring in the Army, say they.
Nation by nation. Take note... Rev. 18:4
'If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.' Col. 3:1-2
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